I think there should be a command in the game to see the date you joined the server. Something like the /seen command. I've looked around and can't find a way to find the date I joined your server and I'd really like to know because I've been with your server since 2013. Please consider this suggestion.
There is something similar to this on another server forum. Basically, you type a command in-game and it gives you back a link which directs you to a private page on the forums. There, it tells you what date you joined the server and I think how many hours you have played. I think this would be really cool to have here, support!
I just look at my chat logs which I have all of them since I joined back in 2013. Anyway support, having this for people who don't want to spend time searching through client logs.
Support! I think something like /firstseen or /joindate would be amazing too! Because especially in Mod Apps, some information can't be verified and checked for discrepancies because we don't keep track of when we exactly joined. So like I forgot when I joined in-game, but obviously I know when I joined on forums, for example.
I looked at the plugin that does this, and unfortunately it shows the dates from when the plugin was put it. So this means that we cannot get dates in the past. If tanner can bypass this , then support