Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by YRVintage, Mar 28, 2016.
You are asking way too much :v
Are you proud of me, dad?
probably but no
Kthx, dad!
Yeah! no
You cool?
how can we make babies?
How vintage are you?
If you are truly my aunty, can you bake some cookies?
no through good times and beer probably 10 percent yes
you + me? (◕‿◕✿)
maybe but no
Serious QnA: What inspired you to choose your name? MLG QnA: D0 u l0v3 m3 senpai-sama?11??111?
no hahahha
where did you get the idea for your name?
Who is your favorite player on MV besides Cassie.
YR <-----(PS3 squad) Vintage idk not u
Your answers remind of a magic 8 ball's answers.