I didn't "leak" them I added them to calls (Before I knew there were ddosing issues with them) So I was warned then I un-intentionally did it multiple times after that. I apologized, they forgave me. Support, neutral, or no support?
I did answer reports pretty fast, I was a report hog though(Some people like that, some people didn't). Thanks for your feed back, I appreciate it ;)
Thanks for your support, I appreciate it a lot! Thanks, I appreciate your response I also don't think he's saying I leaked your Skype's he's saying that he has your Skype's or something, not to sure what he's talking about since I don't know who he is. I know you're telling him to explain but I would never leak their Skype's/your's I did once when I added you to a call which was wrong, I know that and I apologize. I hope you can forgive me some how. I wouldn't do this as I know you're all in danger of DDosing and all that kinda stuff. Ever since I got told to stop whilst mod I stopped except the few times I added Jhow to calls on accident. I'm again sorry Dyna :c