Hey Cotner it was finally time you applied Sadly i have the wrong impression of you... On kitpvp not many people like you as so on oppvp you even admitted it You need to get more well known to the community Good luck -Apex
Neutral, You are really nice now but I just find it sketchy how you never talked as much before you even wanted mod.
People dont need to like you for you to become mod lol. The amount of people who hated me when I got mod was insane...
Thank you! Sorry that you got the wrong impression Yes I have started many in the past, but I have changed and I hope someday you will see that! I usually don't talk in-game as much because I'm busy doing reports...I'll try to communicate more!:>
Great application! From seeing you around in KitPVP you're often helping other players out if they are confused with commands, or anything in general. To add, you'd make a great Mod because you play in KitPVP a lot, and that gives you the opportunity to catch many more hackers. I've seen your YouTube channel and you have over 30 videos of people hacking, that's insane. If someone deserves Mod, it's you. I support your application, you're a perfect candidate for Mod.
if you haven't seen him in game then you can't pull the decision that he hasn't changed out of your a-S-S dumb
Looks like an alright application, but I you need to be more active on forums and I've yet to see you ingame.