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  • NA ✦ iReplying's Moderator Application ✦

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by ImJustAndrew, Mar 26, 2016.

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    1. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Hello, my name's Andrew, also known as iReplying in-game and on the forums. This my fourth and most likely my final moderator application despite the feed back I get, which I hope It's good because I'm trying my best on this application. I was recently two weeks ago demoted for rules I committed/broken and I'm sorry for that. I wish to be given another chance at the moderator position. I know it has been such a short amount of time but I will wait how ever long it takes to prove my self once again to be a moderator, I really loved/enjoyed helping people and the position of moderator. Please leave any feed back down below I should change/edit if needed. If you're leaving a "no support, support, or neutral" please give me the reason(s) why. I was unfortunately demoted for three reasons, and I'm sorry for that. My first unfortunate warning was for adding staff members to Skype calls which is still technically leaking their Skype(s) and I'm sorry for that. My second was for muting Soneyburst without any solid evidence of his mute. I also locked and moved a moderator application that was made by Maxamul and I'm very sorry to that player and the player/staff member(s) of mineverse, all three of these mistakes were made un-intentional and I'm very sorry for what I did and I wish to be given another chance.

      How old are you?

      What timezone are you in?
      Pacific Standard Time

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America

      What languages do you speak?

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I do indeed. I use fraps for recording hackers and the minecraft screenshot feature for chat offenses/reports. I have over 300+ videos of all hacker reports for Mineverse.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I think I should become a moderator for Mineverse because, despite the fact that I've been demoted two weeks ago for mistakes that I regret and I'm entirely sorry for; I feel like I'd be a good addiction to the staff team. I responded to lots of reports fast enough for people to get banned as soon as possible because It's needed when a person reports player(s). In my opinion and I hope other people agree as well I was helping a lot in-game and on the forums as much as I could of at the time of me being a mod. I know all of the commands for being a moderator and also how to lock, archive, and/or delete threads on the forums when needed. I'm again very sorry for the rules I committed as a mod and/or a player and that'd never happened again as stated. I've as well got some traits below on why I think I should become a moderator once again for mineverse.

      I'm a highly respectful person, if someone's angry or upset with me and cussing me out or doing something to offend me I'll handle it in a mature way and following by reporting them. This is highly not likely that someone would do this to me though as I'm mostly on everyone's good side on Mineverse and I wouldn't want to change that, ever. I respect everyone on the forums and of course in-game I've never been muted or banned for being disrespectful or any example of that.

      I'm a very caring person. I'f I'm doing something even if it's really important I will always make sure to help out that user no matter what their issue is. I help and respect the user even if they're getting frustrated with their issue. Caring for people is something I really do and love to do on a daily basis and that'd never change.

      I'm very mature when I'm in a situation where I need to be mature. I also do joke around as we all do some times but I never take it way too far where it offends the person in anyway. I know I'm only 13 and some people seem as that's a age where a person would be immature but I feel and others know that I'm very mature. I feel like I can do a amazing job at Moderating Mineverse.

      I'm highly helpful this is one of the biggest traits you need as a Moderator. I help any person that says they need help or ask new members if they need help all the time. I love helping people and I always have loved to help people it's one of my most favorite things to do in real life and Minecraft. If I see someone that needs help I'll always message them on the forums or in-game because I know just about every issue a person has and usually can always help with what they need. If I don't know the answer to the problem I'll usually always tell them to ask another person that would know such as a Staff Member. That's why I think I'm helpful.

      I'm very active on the server and on the forums every single day. I've been playing around nine months and I feel like that is enough time to get well-known and acknowledge all of the rules. I play around 5-6 hours a day on schooldays and 9-13 on weekends. I've always loved Mineverse from the day I started and I don't plan to ever go in active unless there's an issue I need to deal with.

      I'm a very welcoming person. If I see that someone new has joined Infection, OpPvP, or any game at all I will always welcome them and try to help them out to the best of my ability. I see lots of new players coming onto the Mineverse server and the forums all the time and I know it's one of the best traits someone could have is welcoming new player(s) in-game and on the forums.

      I am confident when dealing with all ages of people and speak in a positive manner to help players feel better about themselves. I am courteous to all the players and try to be friendly and happy. I try to be available to anyone that needs me so I can help them in any situation.

      I will not punish any players without sufficient proof of him/her breaking the rule, I will also not hesitate to punish a close friend of mine who is hacking or breaking any rule at all. Being unfair or biased as a moderator isn't good at all and that's not who I am. I punish all players fairly, if one person's hacking, and the other is well and if that player's my friend I'll still ban him/her, being unfair with bans, mutes or kicks is not right and that's not who I am as a player or a moderator if I was to be given another chance.

      Knowledge Of Hacks:
      I've been playing Minecraft for many years now, and I am very experienced with hacks as I was once a hacker (was foolish back then) but I started playing legit as it wasn't fun at all, my vast experience of hacks allows to me differentiate hacks and lag, I believe that helps me to spot hackers in a pvp/non-pvp game mode(s).

      Fast Typing:
      I'm a decent typer, I can type around 60-70 words a minute and I think that's pretty fast and it's really important to be able to type fast enough if someone's needing my help or me banning/muting someone quick enough if needed.

      I'm able to keep calm most of the time, and that is a really useful and essential aspect of a good staff member as some members may be really rude and insulting, and keeping calm allows me to do the right thing and not just abuse my powers.

      /mute (player) (amount of time) (reason)
      (Lobby only) /ban (player) (reason) Invalid? ( Appeal @ www.mineverse.com ) - iReply
      /tempban (player) (time) (reason) Invalid? ( Appeal @ www.mineverse.com ) - iReply
      /kick (player) (Reason) Note: Player can't see reason
      /tp (player)
      /unban (player)
      /socialspy (Skyblock, Hellblock, and Prison)

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Sunday - 4-10 hours
      Monday - 2- 6 hours
      Tuesday - 2-6 hours
      Wednesday - 2-6 hours
      Thursday - 2-6 hours
      Friday - 2-6 hours
      Saturday - 4-10 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      April of 2015

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      No, I haven't been warned, muted or banned on the forums or in-game. I also never intend to.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes I do, I was a moderator here for just about 3 weeks before getting demoted as I said in the beginning of my moderator application. Again, I'm very sorry that as I never intended to break the rules at all as a staff member and I'd never do that again if I had another chance at staff. I know all the commands for being a moderator such as; /ban, /tempban, /mute, /socialspy/ /tp, /fly, and /god. There's others but those are the main server commands as a moderator. I also know how to lock, archive, and/or delete posts as said earlier in my application.


      Thanks for reading my fourth and final moderator application, if you're leaving a response down below please tell me the reason why you did so. I apologize again for the things I did to get demoted they were mistakes and I regret them completely. I'd love to have another shot as a staff member. Thanks for the owners, moderators, head moderators, and to Pile for being the forum admin, you all help very much and I took advantage of that at one time and I'm sorry for that. There it is, my fourth application, I hope I did well, I took a lot of time into this application and I feel as I did the best as I could, if you don't think so feel free to leave your opinions below as I stated above, I do love anyone's feed back even if It's bad, good informative, etc. I like to know what everyone thinks. I'm sorry to many people that I've disrespected on Skype, in-game, and on the forums as a moderator it wasn't right and I know that now and I did before. I just should've been thinking about it more. As a moderator It's not right to be disrespectful or hate on any players and I know that but I still did it mistakes were made and I feel as I can be given another shot as a moderator, thanks.
      Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
    2. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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    3. Galaxy_Winds

      Galaxy_Winds Active Member

      Mar 26, 2016
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      Support you made rookie mistakes but still..l
    4. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Support!! I think you will do much better now that you have learned from your mistakes
      Good luck :)
    5. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go Neutral. I will watch you and see if you have changed, if I believe you have I may reconsider in the future. Good luck.
    6. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Thanks very much!

      Thanks, I appreciate that, I understand rookie mods can make mistakes and It's kinda and kinda not what I did as I was acknowledged on what I was supposed to do as a mod.

      Thanks, Cotner!

      I completely respect your opinions, I locked/moved your mod app that looked to be copied when it was only a paragraph divider. I shouldn't of done that and I'm sorry.
    7. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      That's why I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt it was just a mistake. Thus my opinion can still change if I see improvement.
    8. SpartanDoesPvP

      SpartanDoesPvP Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      It's way to early to re-apply Don't you think? Neutral for now. Good Luck :)
    9. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Okay, thanks.

      Kinda of, stated in my application I did say it was kinda early it has been just about three weeks and I said I'd be willing to prove myself and keep this mod app up as long as it takes to prove my self.

      Thanks for your response. I appreciate it a lot!
    10. TADS

      TADS Guest

    11. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Thanks very much, Tads!

      It means a lot coming from Mr. Curly <3
    12. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Ok expanding because I just wanted to let you know I support -

      The main reason I support you is because of the mistake. You took a screenshot, but it didn't include them cursing, making it look like abuse.
      I see no issue with you being promoted again.
    13. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Support from me :)
      Good luck Andrew!
      I know you will do amazing as mod again <3
    14. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Okay, thanks for letting me know!

      Thanks, Rodeen <3

      I appreciate it!
    15. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      I know we are good friends, but I can't support, sorry.
    16. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      Sorry. No support. I think it's WAAAAAAAAAY too soon.
    17. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Support man,I love ban hogs.
    18. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      I got your reason(s) over Skype, thanks Alma for your response <3

      Okay, I respect that. I hope your decision changes in the future.
    19. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      No support. Let me go over the reasons why I do not support:
      You've been extremely immature to me. Today, even.

      Non-Mineverse related, but you went into the Dub Track Rodeen and Exstatisfy made, started swearing, and then told everyone to kill themselves. That shows more immaturity.

      You tend to be rude in-game sometimes. Not all, but sometimes.

      I'll probably add some more later. But these are my 3 main reasons for no supporting your application.

      Good luck, Andrew. :)
    20. ChiChay

      ChiChay Experienced Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      Support! I really think you deserve a second chance, You are a very good friend.:)
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