Only the mod that banned you can unban you. Being a mod is hard work, he's probably busy doing something important; so don't get ahead with your self Making another post about a appeal, or an application; is against the rules. Give Gwism time...
He's saying, that you need to follow the rules. The staff don't have a lot of time on their hands. You aren't allowed to post about ban appeals, atleast that is what I am getting at.
Im not 100% sure you understand what the joke was. I changed the entire forum post just to mess with him.
It does say like mine i got for posting in a ban appeal: Hello Layers12, Your content in broke one of our rules located here . The posted content may have been removed. Please familiarize yourself with our rules if you wish to prevent any further disciplinary action. Do not post in reports or appeals unless directly involved. Thank you, The Staff. They should say something like this!, if it doesn't take contact with a mod in-game and they probably help you <3
Your content in broke one of our rules located here . The posted content may have been removed. Please familiarize yourself with our rules if you wish to prevent any further disciplinary action. Thank you, The Staff. Mine looks nothing like that. I couldn't check what I had done because I was banned.
It should like make a quote that tells me what I said. It was removed and now I have no idea what is was