Excluding that. Don't believe it was only under your username "PotHeadd". It could've been other usernames you had before that added up to a perm ban.
^ Also, I'm sure that if the first wasn't viable, then the ones after shouldn't be harsher, that just doesn't make sense
That's for reporting someone. Any evidence used to get you banned that was valid counts. All those valid bans add up, they just don't fade away.
But those are in the past. It doesn't make sense to ban someone if they have changed. I can't find the post at the moment, but it stated "Any evidence over 2 weeks old is not held against the player". Once I find it, I will quote it for you. The evidence that was used to ban the player would not be able to be used during the process of perm banning someone.
Your confusion as to why you were banned is the way one of the rules are worded. Evidence towards getting someone banned, such as a video or screenshot will have a tag on them which states when that was uploaded. If the upload date proceeds past the 2 week mark, it will be instantly denied. Onto pile up on bans. Previous bans will always stick with you, as long as they are valid. The way you thought it was working isn't a good thing at all, even if people do change. For example, say someone kept getting banned for hacking, and this ban happened every 15 days, in your mind set, they should never be perm banned, right? That completely ruins the punishment system completely and makes it absolutely pointless.
But what if the bans were false? It wouldn't make much sense to ban someone permanently for false bans.
False bans don't lead up to permanent bans, if officially marked down as false. If for some reason they are, simply appeal and state that within your appeal. It would have most likely been a mistake.
While this is true, the new ban system gave a "fresh start" to everyone. I shouldn't have been banned in the first place along with everyone else.
Well TBH they have improved the system; for example, you now REQUIRE video proof for everything. I was banned in the past for "hacking" when someone took a screen shot of me falling. Now you need video proof, and if you're hacking or breaking the rules, you WILL be caught. If you don't break rules, you have nothing to worry about. also as a side note, they rarely Perm-ban anyone anymore, at most a month.
Here's how I view it: If a player is banned multiple times on a certain game mode, perm ban them on that one; not the lobby. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, perm banning a player in lobby for continuous offenses in other game modes is a loss of revenue. In reality, it's about money. A player perm banned from lobby is a potential loss of 250$
And even if the bans were ruled false in the appeal, it shouldn't be a lobby ban. If it were to be a lobby ban for it, I would have had to lobby ban so many more people.