Hello everyone, Team skywars would be a great new game mode. It is basically just like skywars BUT when you are in the lobby waiting for the match to begin, you pick your team. Each team has 3 players and there are 4 teams, so altogether there are 12 players. The teams are: blue, green, yellow and red. There is no time limit for this game, it will finish when all but one of the teams are eliminated. For every player there will be one chest that will be directly in front of them. Inside, the chests are randomized, from leather armour to diamond armour, and from wooden sword to diamond sword. There is a small chance that a player can get a bow and 8 arrows in a chest. In the middle of the map there will be 4 chests which will also have the same contents of the normal chests that players receive at the start. There could be a shop where you could buy the same things that you can in skywars. All the blocks are mine-able and can be blowed up. If a player is away from keyboard then the other players can not open, his chest (he is the only one allowed to open it). But this does not apply for the chests at middle because those are public chests which can be accessed by anyone in the game. Reward for winning: If a team wins (even if a player of the team is dead) then all of the team members will receive some money to use in the shop. Note: The prices of the items in shop and the money reward for winning is up to the staff. Rules: 1. Do not break the block on which you team mate is standing (no team-killing) 2. No hacking overall (which includes everything) Many thanks, Yours sincerely, xX_illUsi0nZ_Xx
Maybe you can also add kits in skywars, even though we get a money kit how about enchanted armor or something.
Support! Many other servers have this and it might help lower the amount of teaming on normal skywars if there is an actual game mode where they can team.