Full support. After talking to you privately and knowing you actually do want to help here, I'm 100% behind you. I know you are up for it, I know you will do good here. You have varied amount of skill based upon moderation, which is great and cannot be said about everyone. Best of luck, and I hope you get the position.
I fully support you and would absolutely love to work with you. When I first noticed you on the forums, I was sort of 50 50 with you. Now, however, I see that you have the potential and the right attributes to make a fantastic staff member. Best of luck to you!
Thank you <3 Thanks Xavier I appreciated the support, thank you Thanks! Thank you Wolf! Thank you Kyle, I hope you get mod as well. <3 Thank you for the feedback Alex <3 Thank you guys :D Thanks for the feedback! Is there anything I could improve to change your opinion? Thanks for the feedback, scallop. ;)
One thing I hate is applications with two parts. Cut it down to one part, 1000 char is enough to describe you. I'll support tho.