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  • NA [AUS] jadey64's Staff Application.

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by jadey64, May 8, 2014.


    Would I be a great Moderator?

    Poll closed Dec 8, 2015.
    1. Yes!

    2. No way!

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    1. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Hello there, my name is Jaden, but most of you know me as "jadey64",
      Anyway I'm currently 12 years old, I recently turned 12 a couple of months ago, and I live in Australia, I joined Mineverse in December, which was basicly when Mineverse just started, so I've been here for a while, I've been on the forums ever since Febuary, so that's also a long way back, anyway thanks for reading my intro, I hope you enjoy my application as I am applying for Moderator.

      How old are you?
      I'm currently 12 years old, as I said in my introduction.

      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is jadey64, also this is just for the people who wanted to know how I got my name, I'll tell you now, you know how my name is Jaden right, well I was gonna name my self "StinkyBanna" or something, but my dad said you should make it something around your name, so I decided to do jaden65, but it sounded silly so I named it "jadey64" and I was like "Bingo!".

      What timezone do you live in?
      Sydney, Australia.

      What country do you live in:
      Australia, apparently known as the biggest island in the world.

      What languages do you speak?
      Well I'm currently learning Japanese, because I'm going there in 2015, and I've learnt a few words in French and German, I do speak English because I am now lol, I've decided to challenge my self and try to learn Russian, but it's hard so I quit, I haven't learnt Chinese very well, I'm quite bad at it, and I don't know how to speak latin yet, I can speak portugese but very badly.

      Why do you think you should be a Moderator:
      Well I've always wanted to help the mods in Ban Appeals and Reports, and also since I live in Australia, my timezone is different to half the mods, I can be online the forums/server while you guys are asleep, I can get the reports and ban appeals done while your all asleep, and while your awake I'm asleep, so it turns out quite well for me, also I'm very active, I normally get 6-7 hours online, and 9-10 hours on the forums so I'm quite active, I do have a lot of spare time, I don't really go to the shops often, I normally stay at home, not that I'm lazy, its just that I normally stay at home with my mum, also I do see a lot of gliders, and people with anti kb or kill aura, and I wish I could do something but I can't, because I can only screenshot, I can record but it's not in good quality, and I don't have a youtube account that's on me.

      Organised, and smart/intelligent:
      I'm very organised, whenever I take a photo with F2, I keep those pictures in a folder, so there not wasting room on my desktop, I'm also very smart/intelligent, I know the commands to moderate, I know how to be a mod, I know how to moderate servers like these, just a recount, these are the commands for moderating.

      Kick - Only allowed to use this command if someone is continously spamming, or spamming rude words, profanity etc,

      Mute - This command should be only used if you kick that person for profanity, spam or disrespect, if they continue spam or profanity with the bukkit command, I will step in with a temp-ban if needed.

      Ban - This command should be used if the player is hacking or etc, if the player has been reported, I will ban them in-game, and then I will archive the report, if I find someone with hacks, like fast-bow hacks, I will take screenshots to confirm, then I will check the pictures, and if its solid evidence, I will go on and ban them, and if they complain, I will show them the pictures taken,

      Active, lots of time to play:
      For me, whenever I set foot in my house, after going to school or the shops, etc, I run straight to my computer, I grab my Ipad, I go onto the forums, and I have a look around, check my alerts, etc. I log onto minecraft, I hop onto Mineverse and I don't move until bedtime, I'm very active, which is also a key to moderating, I believe that I can be a good moderator because I have lots of time to play/moderate the server/forums, I normally have about 9-10 hours to play on Mineverse and the forums, which is quite a lot of time.

      Respectful to others:
      I am always respectful to others, I'm never rude to anyone, I always try to be nice/respectful to my fellow friends, I always stick to the saying known as "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all", I always stick by that saying, because it's true, got nothing nice to say, don't say it at all, if I do get selected, I would probably use that saying to get others to not fight between another, but to be friendly, and respect each other and to have a fun time.

      Communication with others:
      I normally get along with the rest of the community, whenever I'm online they'll always ask me questions because I'm normally the highest prestige on Infection, so I get asked a lot of questions, and I always answer them all, so I think I would be good with communicating with the community, whenever there is a situation starting, or ending, I think I would be good with connecting with the community.

      I'm respectful and I don't rage!
      I'm normally the "shy" kid, but on this server I'm not really shy because I never get bullied here, anyway I don't rage, I've probably raged 3-4 times but I regret it, I'm also nice, I normally give people my Exp Bottles on Infection, because I like earning the Exp instead of just dropping it, so I give it to other people, sometimes I give my sharpness 15 to defaults on OpPvp, when I'm busy or don't wanna play at the time, so yeah.

      I'm very mature:
      I'm a very mature person, I don't act like a showoff, I don't ride skateboards or scooters, because I don't like the concept of them, I normally sit on my Ipad or my computer, I don't act like a baby, I act like a mature adult, but I'm not a adult just yet, I wish I could prove how mature I am but I can't, just belive me. I don't look like the mature type, but I'm very mature inside, the looks mean nothing.

      I'm very reliable, and honest.
      I'm very trustworthy, if a plane was going down, and you fell out and you grabbed the nearest thing you could hold onto, and I came out and asked for your hand, I would say you can trust me, and if you did pull out your hand I would grab it and I would pull you back into the plane, and fasten your seatbelt for you, I'm also very honest, if I do something wrong, I will be honest and tell the truth, I'm not a lier, whenever I do get in trouble, I'm honest and I tell the truth, and I become less in trouble.

      I'm very friendly:
      I am a very friendly person, not just to humans but to animals to, I normally try not to kill bugs/insects, but sometimes I accidently kill a ant, but when you run on grass, your atleast killing a billion ants, I also never hurt people, my brother hurts me, but I ignore him and walk off, I'm very nice/friendly to people in-game, mostly I do a Exp drop party at spawn on Prison, and I normally give people my sharpness 15 swords on OpPvp to other people, defaults etc.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Well on Monday, I normally wake up at 7.15am, so I get a blanket, and go to my computer and I start playing until 8.15.pm due to school, I come home at 3.20pm, and I play till 6.00pm, I have dinner then a shower, then from 6.20pm, I play until 9.30pm then I go to sleep, wake up Tuesday morning and I do the same thing.
      Same as Wednesday, and Thursday and on Friday I play from 6.30pm till 10.00pm,
      And on Saturday I play from 6.00am till 12.00am, then I have lunch the I play onwards till dinner then I keep playing till nightime, so I'm really active on the server, and forums, today I spent 4 hours straight, and I spent an extra 2 hours on the forums, so all together, 6 hours.

      How long have you played Mineverse for?
      I joined this server in December, New Years Eve, I remember joining Infection at the time, and I remember saying "Happy New Years Eve!" and everyone said it's not new years eve, and I said it is for me because of my timezone, and if you wanna see how active I am on the forums, go to Notable members and look for my name.

      Have you had any past experience as a Mod:
      Yes, I have on a few servers, maybe about 4-5.

      The end.
      Well this is the end, thank you for reading my application, I hope you enjoyed it, I also will be editing it time to time, as you can see I don't have much info as I did on my old one, but I'm just thinking and etc, anyway thank you for reading my application.


      122 = :>
      11 = :lol:

      Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    2. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
      Likes Received:
      You should edit out the names of other servers... (advertising) :/
    3. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Oh ok but I thought you could just say the name of the server but not the ip.
    4. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      Hmm. I honestly am not sure :) I'll look into it :)
    5. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      I bolded what may apply to this case, if another moderator feels I am mistaken please let me know :) just trying to help you out jadey so you don't get into trouble :)

      Advertising refers to posting an external link. External links are allowed within reason, sites such as personal sites or a friends site is advertising. Furthermore, logos or images or mentions about such website even without an actual link is deemed advertising. This includes posts, topic titles, avatars, signatures, topics and private messages (if done for direct advertisement purposes).
    6. Andrei

      Andrei Experienced Member

      Dec 25, 2013
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      So technically this isn't a second mod app at my point of view. To me it's more like a second part? Yeah...

      Anyway support!
    7. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Thanks Scofu!
      For now it may not have much detail but I will be adding more.
    8. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      Needs, more detail, definitely.
    9. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      I'm just thinking of some ideas for now, I'll fix up some bits time to time.
      Ok I edited it a bit, enjoy.
      Last edited: May 9, 2014
    10. Pr0M4x_B4b3

      Pr0M4x_B4b3 Experienced Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Support !! <3
    11. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Thank you <3
    12. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Sorry for spam, but I just edited it, just so you know.
    13. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Uh, As your 1st App I still like and the new one, Support.
    14. Layers12

      Layers12 Experienced Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Support!, you are so freaking active :)
    15. Bionicbatterman

      Bionicbatterman Active Member

      May 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I support and do you know a player called Shmanderson ? Well if you do he's my friend
    16. Christi

      Christi Boss Member

      Dec 1, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Support jadeyyyy c:
    17. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Support Jadey Perry c:
    18. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      I support. Jadey, you're a great friend and you deserve Mod <3
    19. Skydiver

      Skydiver Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support! You will be a great mod! ;)
    20. Shmanderson

      Shmanderson Experienced Member

      Mar 31, 2014
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