Hey whats up guys you wanna join don't hack and this is a clan me and BMANVT making to have a op team. Fill out this template to join. 1. Your ign name: 2. Your skype: 3. How good at pvp you are (1-10): Owner of this clan me my Ign is Killedlikeaboss Co-Owner: BMANVT Pay me or BMANVT 200$ kitpvp money to be a mod in this clan a mod can kick,accept with permission,start clan 1v1's Good Luck
Yea mod is 100 and that gives you perms to add people (with a little heads up msg us on here) and temporarily kick people from it for say 3 days. Admin is 200 ig and you can do basically everything we can just can't be like us. Muhahaha
This will be a fun clan we dont care/mind what armor you got BMANVT will give a free kit god every 15mins
These are the ranks. Member: A free rank when your accepted. Mod: 100$ In game money to me or BMANVT. Admin: 200$ Same perks as Owner/Co-Owner pay me or BMANVT for that perk enjoy.