How old are you? 21 Your in-game name: CatLover106 What timezone are you in? Australia/AEST What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? English only. Sorry Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc): Yes, I Have recently download a Recording editing software called "ScreenFlow". Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a Mod because I'm Highly trained, Helpful and Very Respectful. I'm very Mature and will be on for a long time each day. I know how to deal with PvP hackers and xRay hackers. I'll get rid of them and make your server Nice and Safe. So, Lets Move onto the Traits! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Traits: Respectful: I'm Very respectful of other Players. I speak to players in need with respect and calmly and if theres a Problem, and the player is very stressed out. It's ok. I will accept that they are stressed and listen to what they need done. Helpful: I'm Helpful to both other Staff and players. I can help any player in need. I will help them as much as possible and if i can't help them. I'll Immediately tell a staff member with a Higher rank. I will Try and Help the staff member very much. Rules: I always follow the rules. Mainly the rules in Prison like No Bows, No swords (Diamond, Iron or Stone) and If a Guard asks for the Sword, I give it! I've also Never hacked and I love working on servers and Punishing people for breaking the rules. Punishing: I will Punish people for lots of things, Like xRay, PvP hacking, Any form of hacking, Spamming, Swearing, Advertising and Lots more. I also will Jail people breaking Contraband in the Prison. These are some things I would Punish for: Spamming = 20 min Mute. Advertising = Perm Ban. Hacking = Perm Ban. Never Giving Up: I will NEVER give up. If theres a Hacker or Spammer. I won't leave it, or try and not try again. I will keep striving for excellence by Never giving up and Punish players Over and Over again. (If Needed). I've Needed to Punish people Over and Over again on other servers. Activity: I've been playing Mineverse for Quite a While now and have been playing alot on Prison. I've also played alot on other ones like Survival, KitPvP and OP PvP. I can come on if there is a major problem Most of the time. If there's a problem, Just ask me to come on. I'll be on ALOT on the Forums so you can just ask me to come on. Quick Learner: I learn Really quickly, I learn commands and how to deal with players and problems. I know how to use Command Blocks, Essentials, HoloGraphic Displays, ClearChat, aAntiSpam and lots more. You name it, I'll know it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How long can you be active on the server everyday? 4-5 hours each day (I love the prison alot) How long have you been playing Mineverse? Half a Year. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No, I've never been ban In-Game or on the Forums. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I've been Mod/Admin on 5 other servers. No Name Server Auso Atlas SepTiks PvP No Name Server Thank you for reading my Moderator Application. I hope you Enjoyed! Have a Nice day! ~CatLover106