Hello everyone, I am here to suggest that you are able to use your prestige perk, multiples of times, depending on the way you die. The only way you are allowed to use your perk, is if you are killed by a player of a different type (Human). This would not count as perk abuse. What you cannot do, is use commands such as /suicide : or kill yourself on bedrock, and use your perk again. (Only being able to use your perk after a human kills you). If there is a way to make sure that you don't get your perk after suiciding, that'd be great; although I doubt there is a plugin that complex, being able to track if you suicided and died from an entity, or from a player. If added, this would be better for prestiges 7, 8, 9, and 10, seeing as prestige 5 is the most overpowered as of now, as you technically get to use the perk every time, and the sword not being taken away after death. Thank you for reading and considering, please leave a support or no support below with a reason supporting your statements. ~Crescent
There isn't any other perk at the moment, although if p6 was to be fixed the eggs would be a problem.
True. So eggs as well :P Would be annoying to die before you can even use it due to spawn killing though..
Yeah, but at the same time, that would be considered a player death, regenerating your arrow. Unless you were like, knocked onto bedrock then died; that would suck.
Ahh, I get it now. So if you drown/bedrock die/burn in lava then you would get no bow and arrows or eggs
No support. It would be near impossible to know when someone suicided or was killed by a player. When infection first started there was no rule against bow spamming or egg spamming. It was made a rule because so many people complained about the spam. I remember when I was p6, all I would do was egg people. That was a very cheap way to win, and that is why a rule has been implemented. And I highly doubt they will take the rule away now. And also p1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are allowed to be used everytime. So I don't know why you would suggest this for prestiges in general. And I am extremely dumbfounded that most people don't understand the rule about egg spamming.
Correct. Thank you for the support. Thank you for the reply. Thank you for the reply. Thank you for the support.