@Coastic - 0/10 she's bad @Legionious - 2/10 he's okay @jarroy - 7/27 ;) @MrPronounce - 8973479024790247092468615379123/10 @Carolyn - 420/10 @thorraks - thor/10 @Alex - bms/10 @Rodeenie 9/10 smh @Valixta - 900/10
@MR_B3N_123 broke the scale @Valixta also broke the scale @thorraks 10/10 best frand @Rodeenie 10/10 qt
@Methylone 10/10 @Clxrity 10/10 @YRVintage 7/10 @Mvdi 10/10 @Coastic 9000/10 @Carolyn 10/10 @Legionious .5/10
@Inefable 101/100 @Wolf 102/100 @ChiChay 100/100 @Rodeenie 1000/100 @DinoDuck 100/100 @Maxamul 0/100 (because didn't tag me) @PotHeadd_ 1000/100 @AthleticPsycho 2000/100 Let me know if I didn't tag you!