Hello everyone, I haven't been banned myself yet but I have seen times when players have apologised and admitted to their rule-breaking or have even reported themselves, and yet, they receive the same punishment as anyone. I think that players who are gutsy enough to apologies to the staff and are apologetic to people should receive a smaller punishment than people who are hacking/rule-breaking without any kind of remorse. Think of like in real life prisons, if a prisoner receives a 6 month sentence, they could be let out early if they behave or are responsible, but if they don't follow rules and order they will either have to serve full time or will receive an even longer sentence. Anyway, this is just a silly idea.
People could just pretend and write a fake apology to the staff as if they've actually changed. No support.
Neutral. As others said, they could be faking a really "genuine" and "sincere" response to get a lighter punishment, but I will stick with a neutral.
100% agree! I f I got banned id just right some fake apology letter to get my time shortened, who wouldent?
Skyblock has a system like this called "Amnesty", and to be honest, it works quite well. It isn't an automatic punishment nullification, but if you prove yourself to have changed or did the crime on accident, or just didn't know better, you have the chance to completely take the impending ban away. But the thing is, Skyblock has much different rules than here. Usually, offenses on here are pretty noticeable and can be banned right away. While on the other hand, it's possible for someone infringing the rules to go unnoticed for a very long time on Skyblock. On that note, I'll remain neutral as it's a legitimate idea, but it wouldn't be as effective.
Players with a cold heart can just fake their apologies to the server and make a really long and sincere apology letter, then get their punishment cut off. Sorry, but the cons of this weigh up more of the pros in this. No Support.