As many of you know that kitpvp have full of people with teammates or clan.So Pocidel_Jr n StR_OpStrafez decided to make a clan. Application Form : 1.Ign 2.How old are you? 3.From 1 - 10 how good are u in pvp? 4.Do u have a rank? If yes, what rank? ( At least Rank Commander ) 5.Will you tpa if your clan needs you? 6.Do you have skype? Our clan name is Enraged and if someone attack us, our rage is stop .Our rage never stop so you must be active on kitpvp, If you are not able to play for more than 1 week or so, please inform us in a advance.You have to help your teammate no matter how bad the situation is,or how scared you are. Rules : -You must help us out no matter what. -When you are in the clan,no betrayer are tolerated or leave and join when ever you feel like it. -You must be active on kitpvp, unless you really cant play due to reasons like e.g. Vacations,Exams. Not like making you to be online 24 7.We cant be online all day as well due to school.During weekend, we hope that you guys can be more active. -You cannot start a war with any other clans without the leader permission. Members StR_OpStrafez ( Leader ) Pocidel_Jr (Co-Leader) Skillzinq (Co-Leader) MangoTheBeast123 (Helper) IcyPvpZ_YT (Helper) FOR YOUR INFO I HELPED THEM TO DO A CLAN RECRUITMENT PAGE.ITS NOT MY CLAN...
ign:challenginqJR age:13 7-8 pvp skills Rank:titan I will tpa if the clan need help Yes is have skype
1. My name is kaboo123 2. I'm 12 3. I give myself a 8-9 4. I have a rank, it is God 5. As long as I'm in gear, yes. 6. I do have skype. :D
Application Form : 1.Ign eZComboh_ 2.How old are you? 13 3.From 1 - 10 how good are u in pvp? I'd like to say I am about 6-7. 4.Do u have a rank? If yes, what rank? ( At least Rank Commander ) I am A V.I.P 5.Will you tpa if your clan needs you? If I know you're all trustworthy. 6.Do you have skype? I certainly do.
I really never understood how to join M@fia, is it required to be AWESOME at pvp, or decent and nice?
Just to inform you guys, and to make this clear! Mafia is not truce with Enraged. Sorry if you had that assumption
Here's a shot: 1.Ign: NoMoreSanity 2.How old are you? 14 3.From 1 - 10 how good are u in pvp? Truth be told, probably a 9. 4.Do u have a rank? If yes, what rank? Yes, I am a titan. 5.Will you tpa if your clan needs you? If I don't get tp trapped. 6.Do you have skype? I do.