Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Rodeen, Mar 14, 2016.
Joke thread?
Aww, Its ok
I didnt know Pile could be this savage
she's the queen of savage
In the news today,a 14 year old girl came to the hospital with mysterious burns covering her face.
Apology accepted
@DeltaMC is heart broken right now, go apologise
It's alright Rodeen, everyone makes mistakes and owning up to it shows that you really care.
Accepted c;
Lol I made something just like this
Glitter effects hypnotised me for 20 seconds straight, had to forcefully snap myself out
@Pile be like...
Stay on topic please lmfao tho
Respect earned, not bought. Apology accepted <3.
You can't blame yourself, some people are way worse in this world.