I am suggesting that we legalize positive rate abuse. Why? : 1) Well, for starters, as of right now anybody can rate abuse anyone's unlocked profile and pretty much get the whole thing deleted. I've gotten about 2 pages of @Legionious 's profile deleted and about 20 pages of @Stel 's on skyblock.net. Getting rid of this rate abuse would mean we could all unlock our profiles and not feel worried that we may be rate abused. 2) But Ares! People will get loads of trophies! So what? They get a bunch of virtual trophies and a nametag, it's not as if you can't get it too. 3) Some people may accidently rate 3 of their friends statuses like within one hour by accident, and be banned for it, even though it was not their intention. Anyhow, I don't see why positive rate abuse is a problem, if you are really that concerned about the trophies then just remove them.
Ugh you people, so what if someone gets a few trophies from their friends rate abusing them. How in the world does it affect you?
Wait, lemme get this correct. If this was in-place, i could literally go on your profile page and like every single post and not get banned?