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  • ❤ Staff Appreciation ❤

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TADS, Mar 15, 2016.

    1. TADS

      TADS Guest

      This thread was made a while ago by @iMeowmix , but was locked
      Anyways, I've seen a lot of negative threads stating how the moderators are crap, and that they 'can't do their job' correct.
      With that being in mind, I recreated this thread so people could take some time to give staff thanks/their thoughts on their work.
      You can do current staff, ex-staff, or both.
      • Like Like x 7
    2. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      This is hugely depressing.Nobody has even responded to this.Has anyone even looked at this?
      Anyway,I do not have favorites,a disclaimer.
      @StrKillr You really take up the moderator position with your humor.
      @Inefable You were a great mod,it's a shame to see you go.Good luck out there man.
      @TADS4 You blurred the line between staff member and player.I used to think staff members were god until I met you.Atleast you're still with us :)
      @ItsSniiper You were a role model to me when I came on the forums,you seemed to be in the center of things when I joined.You made me so much more willing to approach popular players.#Sniipethehax2k16
      @TheNiceSnake You joined Skyblock late at night for me.To be honest with your bad grammar and how little known I knew you I thought you couldn't get the position anytime soon.You changed your habits drastically though,and you eventually got the position.You gave me inspiration because of how quickly you got the position.Keep banning people Snek.You were very worthy of the position.:D
      @MrPronounce With your cool moderating style and maturity,you were another role model I could look at.
      @Scorvix ^ I loved how in depth in the community you were,if there's anything I love,it's that.
      @Every other moderator
      Thank you all for keeping the server alive and well,and how you all keep fighting the ever present threat of hackers and community wrong do-ers.Again,thank you for the service,whether it was long and active,or short and small.It's still a contribution.
      Titanicguy out.
    3. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Thank you Cerulean :)
    4. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      To all the mods and ex mods:
      You have all done an amazing job moderating, it's amazing to see how far the server has come since the beginning. I know I haven't had the chance to work with some of you, but you're all amazing.
      Love you guys and keep it up! <3 :)
    5. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Thanks bby
    6. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Moderator Name: @AthleticPsycho

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      I've been talking to Alma for a long time now, known her for about 3 years and she's been great the whole time even when we were fighting she never said anything too terrible. She's a great moderator, when we're skyping she always makes sure to help everyone who needs her help before moving on the next game-mode. One of my best friends on Mineverse.

      Moderator Name: @Pile_of_Butts

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      Pile is probably one of my favorite people on Mineverse, whenever I've needed help she's always there to help me. She's helped me through being hacked, DDoSed and she's always given me great opportunities. She's honestly like a second mother to me. We don't talk as much as we used to but she's still really important to me, love you pile. <3

      Moderator Name: @Jhow

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      We haven't spoken too much and we did have a bit of an argument before you got mod but you're pretty cool, we did skype once with you, Alma, Rodeen, Moose and I and it was pretty fun. I like the fact that you've always been active.

      Moderator Name: @AmazingFireGirl

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      I've honestly been terrible to you, I've made fun of your appearance and I had no reason to. You're amazing to be honest, even after all of the terrible things I did, while you were hosting the Skywars competition you were totally chill with me. You've probably been on of the best moderators on Mineverse til this date, gaining Head Mod at your age is a pretty large achievement too.

      Moderator Name: @Nanurz

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      When I first talked to you, you were pretty rude. There's no going around that but when you got mod you changed a lot, you were active, dedicated and knowledgeable. After that I've always respected you, even though before you got mod I thought you were lying about your age. :p What I like about you though is that you're always straight forward, you don't beat around the bush nor do you lie to people. You're interactive with the players which is honestly amazing.

      Moderator Name: @MaxNinja10

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      One of my favorite mods, you're pretty cool, Max. To get mod 3 times, that's dedication right there. Even after you made the first mistake you still kept going which I respected. You're active in-game which is great and you manage to moderate the KitPvP community which is surprising as a lot of people in the KitPvP community are extremely toxic. Keep on being great. :)

      Moderator Name: @Janice999

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      When I first saw you on the forums I disliked you, I thought you were probably one of the biggest suck ups, but you're actually genuinely nice which is hard to find in people these days. You've always been good to me and I respect you for that, keep on being nice! :D

      Moderator Name: @tin15cro

      Reason why I appreciate them:
      You don't get enough appreciation for your work, you're so active on Prison, basically on everytime I'm on and we don't even live in the same Timezone. You're always there to help the players on Prison, not being too strict but not being too generous, exactly what a Head Guard should be. Any player who plays prison should aspire to be just like you, one of the best Prison players and the most respectable guard.

      *will do more later*
      • Like Like x 3
    7. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      This is truth!
    8. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I swear this is gonna be locked for inactivity.I don't like the community atm :eh
    9. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      Moderator Name: @Dyna_Mighty
      Reason why I appreciate them:

      You do so much for this server, from reports to helping in-game. You are so mature, friendly, and kind. I never really knew you before you got the position, but since then you do not know how much i appreciate your work for the community.

      Moderator Name: @Janice999
      Reason why I appreciate them:

      I have heard from multiple people including @Rodeenie that just being around you makes them happy. You are so kind, Janice. I wish we could talk more, you make some Youtube videos as well as me! I just would like to say thank you for everything you have done.

      Moderator Name: @MaxNinja10
      Reason why I appreciate them:

      Damn, you are a trip. You are hilarious to talk to, and so funny in-game. Mature for your age, especially when you were what, 11 when you first got promoted? You are dedicated, fun to hang around, and respectful. You dedicate your time here, after 3 promotions. Keep up the great work :'>

      Moderator Name: @Olivxr
      Reason why I appreciate them:

      No need to appreciate you, you are just a nub LOL. All jokes aside, I think you are an amazing addition to the staff team. You seem active on the reports and on Skywars. We needed skywars mods, since there are a lot of hackers. Your humor makes my day, honestly. Sometimes i feel down, and you make me happy. :) Keep being a nub, nub. <3

      Moderator Name: @TheNiceSnake
      Reason why I appreciate them:

      You were recently promoted, and you have accomplished so much!!! When time is up for you, it is gonna be sad to let you go, because of how much you have done for the community. I wish we could talk more, because we play the same game modes, OPFactions and KitPvP. You dedicate your time, and appreciation to help Mineverse to the best of your ability. Stay awesome :>

      Moderator Name: @tin15cro
      Reason why I appreciate them:

      You help out the Prison community so much, when everyone must be spamming you to break signs for them. You dedicate your time and effort, and not a lot of people in-game appreciate that. I am so glad Cyp re-promoted you to head guard, there would be no head guard if he didn't. Thanks for everything you do, Tin.

      Thank you everyone else, previous and current moderators. It is greatly appreciated.
      • Like Like x 2
    10. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      People say this because they were banned for hacks. They do this to throw it back on them and make them look like bad people, just because they got caught and can't admit it.
    11. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      U nub! D:<

      Some of them just can't talk with us calmly. They come and post public threads about how bad we are. That's sad. If they get banned falsely, they should appeal, as said on the most ban messages. They can tell us why it is an incorrect ban, and they'll get unbanned if they can proove it.
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      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2016
    12. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Yeah I know. I saw a few titans who got banned for hacking get back on after temp ban wore off saying that they were gey pieces of sh*t. The amount of disrespect is sad. I'm glad most of the staff team is strong and can handle it at times, thank you fore moderating and making mineverse a better place <3.
    13. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      The thing that people should notice is that the people posting those threads have this track record of bans and such.Not all,but most.
    14. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Report these. Staff disrespect.
    15. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      My god,this community...Theres no responses.Mod hate threads more important I guess.
    16. Jesse234106

      Jesse234106 Experienced Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      Moderator name: @PandaBear__
      Reasons why I appreciate them:
      I know you were a staff before, but you did an amazing job as staff on Mineverse. It was sad for you to step down from your position, and I completely understand. You are a great friend and I hope to see you in-game sometimes.

      Moderator name: @Diggy
      Reasons I appreciate them:
      As, stated for PandaBear__, you diggy were also an awesome staff member, you did a lot of work toward the community and I appreciated it. Your a friendly, and a kind person. Not sure, if your going to apply again or not, but it was nice seeing you helping out the community and whatnot.

      Moderator name: @Janice999
      Reasons I appreciate them:
      Janice, your a happy and a kind person. I was happy you got chosen to become a staff here in Mineverse. I knew you could do it and I'm proud of you. I hope to see you continue on working along side with the other staff members and maybe someday, I'll work along side you someday :)

      Moderator name: @Nightfire
      Reasons I appreciate them:
      Nightfire, I've known you for quite a while. You and I met in survival not too long ago when I want to meet you in-game and taking a selfie. You were kind and an a great staff member. Your always my favorite :)

      Moderator name: @Jhow and @Olivxr
      Reasons I appreciate them: I may not know you as much, but what I do know is that both of you went to my lastest post: cream puffs and eclairs and I see you enjoy my baked products. I will keep you happy with my delicious treats :D

      Moderator name: @Pile_of_Butts
      Reasons I appreciate them:
      I can see that your a very organized and a kind staff member. You have the important job here and that's the forum administrator. I see you took care of people's reports on other player and your doing an amazing job. I need to get to know you more since we haven't spoken before and I've never seen you in-game. PM me :3

      Moderator name: @MaxNinja10
      Reasons I appreciate them: You were a previous staff before and you resign and returned back yet again to the staff team. I know you as nice, helpful and an amazing staff who's gets the job done. I enjoy you as staff and hope you continue on what you enjoy the most :)

      Moderator name: @BlackZone
      Reasons I appreciate them:
      You are an experienced, nice and an awesome staff member. I know you as swag and you like star wars
      • Like Like x 3
    17. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      @Janice999 - You're honestly incredible in so many ways. Ever since you first joined the forums with me in September, you've been nothing but kind and awesome. I really appreciate you and everything you've done, keep up the great work! :D
      @Nightfire - When I first met you, I viewed you as a complete different person and didn't know much of you. But after I decided to befriend you, I began to realize that's you're very awesome and a great moderator. Keep up the work, you're doing amazing.
      @TADS4 - I also viewed you differently, and honestly didn't like you much. I've realized how wrong I was, though, after I began to improve myself. know you're not staff (atm), but I just wanted to say you were a phenomenal staff member. You really blew away everyone's expectations, and you were extremely hard working and helpful. I hope you mod app is accepted down the line, we need more people like you on here. :)
      @Nanurz - While it may have never seemed this way, I've always respected you and looked up to you. You're very respectable and hardworking, which I am thankful for and admire. Even though I handled things poorly in the past, I also really admire how you still maintained an open mind, and offered me a lot of intellectual feedback as well. :)
      @AthleticPsycho - I always wanted you to be mod before your app was accepted. You're so kind and diligent, which I am appreciative of. Sucks you're never on when I am much due to time differences, however. :/
      @MaxNinja10 - Very hard working and funny dude. I'm glad you decided to reapply as you're a great mod.
      @Pile_of_Butts - Thank you a lot for giving me a chance to change myself, things have gotten much better. Yes, I still obviously regret the things I had said and done that were used to attack you. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, and that was one of them. You've done wonders for Mineverse, and work very hard every day. I wish more people could realize how much you've done for this community.
      @MissMisconceived - Hi. You're doing great so far, don't listen to the haters. :D
      @Inefable - I was so sad when you were demoted, as I've said. I really looked up to you, and admired the amount of reports you'd handle a day. You were really hard working and respected by a lot, and I really appreciate everything you did for Mineverse as mod. I hope one day your name will be pink again! :D
      @StrKillr - I remember you gave me the idea of making that suggestion thread to improve the staff way back when. :') You're doing an awesome job so far, keep it up!
    18. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
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      Ty : ))
      • Like Like x 1
    19. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      aw jesse : )
    20. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Some staff appreciations ツ​
      @ItsSniiper -
      You're so awesome, sweet, and just a great person. I'm glad you got mod, you are doing good.
      @TADS4 -
      Just going to say thank you for your time. You were a really great moderator and I'd love to see you put in the position again.
      @Janice999 -
      I love you because you're undeniably sweet, and really just a great person. You also make quite an amazing moderator.
      @Alex -
      Personally, I think you're overall really cool. Very respectful and sweet person. Thanks for moderating.
      @Dyna_Mighty -
      You handle reports often, very friendly, and a great moderator. Thanks <3
      @Nanurz -
      You have done so much for Mineverse. You're very respectful and an amazing head moderator. Glad MV has you.
      @MaxNinja10 -
      I feel like you're just meant to be a moderator here. You fit the position so well, and I couldn't be happier to have you back.
      @Pile_of_Butts -
      The forums are the way they are because of you. You do so much for us. I genuinely just like your personality as well. Very happy you're our forums administrator, thank you.

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