Neutral. I think it would be really cool because I despise the lousy yellow text for premium but the chat would have names with so many bright colours and it would be quite a mess.
NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo So your saying I could do something like /prefix &8[&cT&ei&bt&aa&dn&8] &9_DeltaWolf_ ?? Support for the coloured Prefix but no support for /gender
Yea. What if someone is a trans, or an alien? Anyways, neutral. Not really on the Gender one. For the gender, there could be /unknown, or /unspecified.
Neutral; The ability to change your name color - what are the limits on this? Could players make their name multi colored, ability to make it so each letter is a different color? I don't support if they can do that. Would make the chat too hectic. Also, what about players who use obnoxious colors? Like black, which you can't even see in the chat. Remaining neutral on that. The gender plugin: How would this work? How would you be able to tell what gender every player is? What about those people who don't identify themselves as a specific gender? I overall don't think this plugin is that necessary.
Well, that's just how the plugin works I'm afraid. You don't have to be pink if you're a female I'm just simply stating the commands the plugin uses. I'm sorry you feel that way.
Lmao if I have the time I'll cook up my own plugin and it'll be fab and aimed at letting everyone be chill af.