Hey guys, its me again. So the recent surge of mod applications, with many of them from new members had me thinking. Usually, these mod applications aren't looked at once there're done, and many of them use improper grammar, punctuation and wrong templates to make their app. Basically, they don't give two chicken nuggets about the mod application once they are done. Multiple solutions can be used to solve this: Deleting mod applications that are created by new members who are inactive for about 1 month or so on forums (basically, they don't touch their accounts after creating the app) Educating players that they need to be active both on forums and ingame to get mod. Elaborating on the template that Cyp made, e.g. "how are you helpful?" Giving a standard minimum word count for each question. Making it a rule to look at the standard template (Cyp and Noobcrew version) before making an app. The sign should be like this: [Have you seen how mod applications should be made? If not, click here.] This should be just above the click "create thread" option Yeah, these might be a bit far-fetched, but lets have some actual heart in our moderator applications, no?
I don't think they are allowed to delete applications but I believe that they are able to lock and archive applications from a while back. Which I think Pile and Tads already did before.
This idea might as well be lock and archive, since the mod applicator doesn't even care enough to revive the thread. Either way, that is a nice suggestion.
No support, people may not be active due to outside life. You can go on vacation for two weeks and not have internet, as that is what has happened to me while I was in China. People do have a heart. A person with no heart wouldn't be alive technically. If people take the time to actually create an application (let's say the worst one with the actual formatting), then they put their heart into it. Some people may be doing this as a joke and those can be archived. Otherwise, this is a plainly bad idea, archiving an application for in-activeness is irrational and irrelevant.
No support I have made a pretty good app and they can't just delete it people Work hard on them. They. Can't anyways
Don't you think that if someone is going to be inactive he's going to tell the community about it? Multiple mod applications don't even follow the template. It's wasting space for the people who actually want to be moderators. As said before, some new members just go online, sign up, make a random mod application, leave. Thats it. They don't care.
I don't think it's right to delete someones application, they may become active in the future or they may get upset.
Neutral. This could insult someone especially if they have problems irl and they are temporarily gone.
I this this idea is wrong on so many levels 1st of all how fair is it to have to be active member to make a moderator application? It takes month of work that some people don't have the time for to become active. someone out there wants to apply for mod and he has gotten thousands of people banned and he has video proof and everything and he's nice and helpful and doesn't beg for stuff. Everybody likes him. But he has to spend more of his time on the forums than In game. I bet that this guy would get tons of supporters. So the active member tag shouldn't be a must.