'Mkay so this is something I came up with because I'm bored. You have to close your eyes and type your forums name. ~Rules~ 1. No peeking. ;-; 2. Don't spam! 3. Have fun! <3 (NOTE: If you have capital letters in your forum name, they MUST be added.) My try: YWctsfie FAIL. ;-; ((I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I NAMED THIS THREAD ANIMALS, LMAO))
asdmzkjidusjrnfgowajt;32oi5ut9oie;lgs s.l/;dgm, xluv ghiura kj;s/.rmnlti4ehof7iywa;lre/.mfsd;hurtaels;ofklmnfiewygful;aw4oitk/egma;wlk4rohwiuT'q;l/.aw,spn;tpiyb3TOpjt;owiht5y2w3tiuo8iupq3tw;oslj so close