Aha, here's a bone to pick. For someone who claims they have respect you sure did show zero to me. You completely responded the incorrect way to my remark to your ign. If you were wanting to be a mod you should act like one, I know zero mods that would throw a fit over someone making a remark about their ign. Your moderator app says that you're 13, you told me in-game that you were 12, after I corrected you on not knowing the difference between "Your" and "You're" And, no support. Lie #3 ? For someone who wants to be a mod you're not very honest now are you. You've shown me today there hasn't been very much change/any effort made into correcting your actions.
I never told you I was 12, nor I do not believe that I responded incorrecntly to you saying "Wtf kind of name is Payable" out of no where. I then asked "What do you mean?" you called something along the lines of a dumb minded idiot, I find it kind of strange that as soon as you log on you try to pick fights with me. Regardless anything that I said to you was not meant in a hurtful or disrespectful matter. I do respect your opinion though, thank you for the feedback!
We should take the arguments into a private chat ^^ Not in public, it is between you two Thankies.~It has the possibility to spam the log up
I have banned @YoShadow from replying for the next 3 days. There is no need to post over and over. You don't support him as mod. We get that. No need to keep going on about it. Removed the off topic posts.