I know this kinda defeats the purpose (and this thread is purely for quality keks) but the quality of rants right now seem rather... lacking. Rants that have no holds barred are the most entertaining, and by far the most easy to engage with. Lots of the threads in this sub aren't really rants... and while they're good for a laugh, I find that some people need to have something to be /angry/ about, or /passionate/ about, not just whining and bitching about everything that disagrees with them. Also Donald Trump is the best thing for America and you can't prove me wrong.
Actually, he is caring of others, except when they ask a serious question. He just drifts away into hatred.
I agree, and I don't even see him as a racist. He's a nationalist who just panders to the racist (minority/majority? idk) of America. He's got good ideas, but not the right ways of going about them.