Ign: redroyalle (Temporarily Lxvely) Reason: I liked the color red, and thought royalle actually meant something... it doesn't. It's the name of a street apparently lol. Lxvely was because I thought I was being original but eh not really.
ScoFu13 - Mixture of IRL name as well as the nickname my best friend gave me a few months before he died. (He died in a motorcycle accident back in 2008) so I keep his nickname for me alive! and 13 is my favorite number!
Ign kinsey_kid Reason, lots of my referee to me as kinsey and kid meant there was alteration and I guess it just stuck
IGN: Sticstar Reason: As I was deciding on a name, I noticed a glue stick standing erect besides my computer desk. Remove the "k", add "star" and BAM....sticstar was made