Lately I have been seeing a lot of people who are 30+ non moderators. It makes sense to have someone who is a mod be older for more maturity. But I once saw a 50 year old. I have to say that is a little weird so what are your opinions? Ok I know Minecraft can be for All ages but it isn't that common to see a 50 year old playing MC. I would say the average is between 10-20 Now age isn't much of maturity as it is experience. A 30 year old has had 18 more years of experience than a 12 year old, so they know more about life and how to do things.
@MaxNinja10 was what, 11 when he first got promoted? And he is probably one of the most mature mods, xD. Also, @xLionx how did you know he was a "50 year old"? Just because he told you he was 50, it was probably bs, just saying.
However, there's something to be said for players 25+ who are starting to tap into their prefrontal cortex. For lack of a more scientific explanation, after that age, people are able to think more critically, logically, and are far more likely to acknowledge future consequences of their actions better than someone who has yet to reach that stage.
Most of the current older aged staff members grew up in a time period where video games were really really popular. So I think it's okay for them to play it.
Ill tell you 3 reasons why this is fake. 1. Look at his name, "FuriousPizza2005" totally a 45 year old with that name. 2. Again, look at his name, with the "2005" part, he probably was born in that year, that is what most people do. 3. He just joined, probably an alt making a moderator application, or someone that is rate abusing.
I'm not saying older people can't play Mineverse. But there age should have no bearing on whether they receive staff or not. It should be based off of maturity, respect, etc.
That's true.. But I know older people on different servers with names like that. The 2005 could be a special number or a code though.
It is rare tho, people don't usually do that. It is possible however. With the "2005" part, it is 85% usually the year the person was born.
Idk. I'm three years old here. I made my forums acc 4 days after Cyp. Edit: I'm sayin the age of being on the server. Also, I'm 12. I'd say average age is 10 - 18 on average.