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  • NA [EST] Maxamul's Moderator Application [2.0]

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Maxamul, Mar 14, 2016.

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    1. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Hello, my name is Colby but you most likely are more common with the name Maxamul. Welcome to my second Moderator application. After taking the feedback of my last application I have improved on the things it was criticized for. I was not intending to make my second Moderator Application so early after making the first but I received so much encouragement to make a second one that I decided I should. I am aware we are in no shortage of U.S. staff. But I'm going to do my best to convince you why I believe I should still be considered as a Mod. I would also like to add something I am not at all proud of, I have been banned more times than the majority of players. I can easily see why this would deter you from supporting me, however, I am going to do my best to explain I have changed for the better and wish to help this amazing server. This should seem like a subpar apology and explanation, and it is. I will be going into much greater detail in the application. So, let's get into my Moderator Application.

      Your in-game name?
      My in game name is 'Maxamul' previously it was 'maxamul' all lowercase. I have no plans to change it in the future.

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Eastern time zone. (UTC−05:00)

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America

      What languages do you speak?
      Unfortunately, I am currently only able to speak English. (Fluently)

      Do you have then necessary means of recording evidence?
      Yes, I have the standard Minecraft screenshot commands. For recording I have 'Screencast-O-Matic' a free recording software that allows 15 minutes of time to record. If needed I can buy the full version for longer recording time. As well as Open Broadcaster Software. I also have Gyazo, and Imgur for screenshots of things outside of Minecraft.

      Why do you want to be a Mod?
      I'm going to get into why I think I believe I should become a Mod; but first I will explain why I want to become a Mod. My wish for becoming a Mod started a few months ago when I noticed how effectively Mods controlled and governed the server. I wished to apply but at the time was worried that I would not have any chance of being accepted due to my ban record. I have since been encouraged to reapply even with my ban record. Also, it is partially because of a love for this server that I may have not clearly shown in the past. Because of all these reasons I am interested in becoming a Moderator, however, I will now discuss why I believe I should be one.

      Why should you become a Moderator?
      I do not want to sound arrogant when discussing why I should be a Moderator. I want you to know I am not trying to come off as arrogant or brag in any way. I am also aware that you may not believe some of the things I will explain are true due to my ban record. However, I will explain why I still believe I should become a Moderator in the following detailed sections.

      While I have been banned in the past, people claim I am very mature. I tend not to hold grudges and act mature in chat. While you can easily disregard this statement with my bans mostly consisting of lack of maturity be it in chat or actions. However, I find that when assisting people I am mature and do my best not to offend them in any way.

      Like maturity, this can easily be dismissed seeing as I was banned for being rude on quite a few occasions. I am, without trying to sound arrogant and over confident in myself, a respectful person. I tend to listen to other people's ideas and try to take others peoples thoughts into consideration. If someone has an opinion I disagree with, I will often explain my viewpoint rather than being rude; and try to explain to them what I think. At the same time I listen to what they believe and consider it. This would be a good trait for a Mod, as Mods should be respectful and considerate of all players.

      Bias is something that can easily make a Moderator ineffective. If a Moderator was biased they would unfairly favor certain people and unfairly disfavor others. While it is human nature to favor some people over others, I believe I could be un-biased and treat all players equally. If someone I was associated with had transgressed a rule I would punish them accordingly. Not only because it is best to punish them so they will realize that what they did was wrong and refrain from doing it again, but because it is against the rules and has to be done.

      I consider myself a rather kind person. Like the first two traits, this can be disregarded under the same concept I was banned for disrespect. However, players have said they see me as kind and considerate. I try to talk to my friends whenever they are on quite often, and when a player messages me asking for assistance I try to kindly assist them with what they need. Kindness will make a Moderator effective because they will be more liked by players. Making them more approachable by players, allowing them to handle more problems.

      Knowledge of the rules and commands
      I have a decent knowledge of the rules from previously being staff on other servers, which I will get into when I go over experience as a staff member. This also comes from speaking to Mod friends and learning more about Moderating from them.

      /unban <player>
      mpban <player> <duration> <reason>
      /kick <player>
      /mute <player> <duration>
      /tphere <player>
      /tpo <player>
      e <player>

      I would also like to add that in a way my bans and punishments have given me experience with the rules. For instance, I was once banned on Skygrid for player killing. At the time I did not know it was bannable because it was so widespread. The rules at the time were left to interpretation on this part. Because I was banned I learned that this was in-fact bannable. While getting myself banned was wrong, it has given me experience with the rules and I learned things I don't know if I could have if I was not punished.

      While I take no pride in my bans, they have given me the perspective of someone who has been banned. This means I will understand that people make mistakes and do wrong things, also, I can better warn people and explain to them that being banned isn't worth it. This would discourage people from breaking the rules as they would hear advice from someone who did the same thing they are doing.

      I have made many suggestions to add to the fun, and improve the bugs of this wonderful server. But I believe if I was promoted to Moderator I could more effectively do this and continue trying to improve and enforce the rules of Mineverse. Mineverse is the only server I play and I put a lot of time into it; as well as this I put most of my time in the day into Mineverse. I find this server very enjoyable, and have worked to improve it as much as I can and believe I can continue to do so more effectively as a Moderator.

      I am considered helpful by people who talk to me. When they ask me a question I often do the best I can either giving them what they need, or explaining what they need explained. It is very important for a Moderator to have this trait because a Mod's job first and foremost is to help the server, which I intend to do to the best of my ability.

      While I play Survival, KitPvP, OPPvP, and Skyblock. Skygrid is my favorite which I believe I have demonstrated by making multiple threads trying to get the server more attention. One problem I believe turns a lot of people away from Skygrid is the bugs and the rule breaking that runs rampant. Skygrid is an extremely underrated server, and I believe I could help it grow if made Mod as I would spend a majority of my time on Skygrid improving it. However, I would still moderate on all gamemodes and assist helping people and stopping rule breakers on all Mineverse gamemodes.

      Unphased by hate

      Throughout playing Mineverse; I have seen Mods come and go, one thing that seems to cause them to leave is the amount of hate they receive, even now, I see Moderators receive negativity. I understand how this could make someone feel bad and lead them to resign as Moderator. However I believe there is a difference between hate and constructive criticism. If someone provided valid facts as to what I was doing wrong, I would do my best to change. However, if I received incorrect hate without proper reasoning, I would not be affected by it and continue moderating.

      How long can you be on the server throughout the week?
      Monday-Thursday: 5 - 7AM (If necessary) 3PM-10PM
      Friday: 5 - 7AM, 6PM - 12AM (Anytime)
      Saturday: (Anytime) 10AM - 12AM (Anytime)
      Sunday: (Anytime) 10AM - 10PM

      (When I say anytime and 5-7AM I do not mean I will always be on for that amount of time. I mean that, if necessary, I can get on for that amount of time. Usually I will not be on from 5-7AM, but if required of me I can be. As for anytime, the time will vary. However, again, if it is required I will be on for as long as needed on Friday past 6PM through Saturday.)

      How long have you been playing Minverse?
      I have been playing Mineverse for around two years. It was only recent however I began to take an interest in the forums and eventually, Moderator.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      This is the section I was most dreading. As I have previously stated I have been banned before. I will go over all of them including why I was banned, who banned me, when I was banned, and me explaining it.

      In-game infractions

      Disrespect - This was during late July of 2015. I was banned by canucksfan44 and later made an appeal. At the time I did feel remorse and attempted to refrain from doing it further, around the time I got unbanned however, I was banned on another gamemode. Canucksfan44 and I have since become friends and I hold no hard feelings against him or vice versa.

      Ban evasion - I also evaded the ban mentioned above. I evaded on a friend's account the first time. But the only thing I did was attempt to make an appeal to canucks. Then I proceeded to evade on another alt (Max__). I continued to play on this account for a time before it too was banned. This account was unbanned when my main account was unbanned, this is the only time I have evaded a punishment.

      Tp-Killing - Near the time I appealed I was also banned on Survival for tp-killing. I was banned by Ares_Xena in early August and I was reported by StrKillr. StrKillr and I have since become friends and I have not done this since. I recently appealed to SSMH and my appeal was accepted and I now play Survival regularly.

      Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
    2. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Player Killing - I was banned by Janice999 on Skygrid during January for Player Killing on Skygrid. I was not aware it was bannable, however, as it was so widely spread and it was never stated in the rules it was illegal. Nonetheless, I made an appeal and it was accepted and I subsequently stopped player killing.

      Disrespect - I was temp-banned on OP Factions for Disrespect in late January as well by Blackzone. The person who I disrespected have since made up and became friends. This was incredibly immature of me and I feel deeply sorry. The person has also since forgiven me as well, we have taken time to get to know eachother and are becoming better friends every day.

      Disrespect - In late February I was banned for Disrespect and Profanity for 5 days by Krissthedude1999. This is completely valid however, the person I was doing it with was my friend and we would often send messages containing profanity to one another in a joking manner. This time, however, she seemed to believe I was trying to be rude to her which I was not. Also, according to Skype messages between her and Krissthedude1999 he did not have full screenshots of the offence, technically making the report invalid. I did not however make an appeal using this as I did in fact break a rule and Kriss was new at the time. The person and I now have come to terms and we both realize it was a misunderstanding. However, I have still extended my policy of using no profanity and not swearing around friends as well; again, my punishment encouraged me to change my behavior for the better.

      Forum Infractions

      Forum alt - Also, I had a forums alt recently banned as it was an alt. I was playing a joke with my friend and meant no harm by this. I was not planning on using the alt passed the joke and did not intend to rate abuse or do anything against the rules. I however, completely understand why I was banned because that is the main reason people make alts which I did not know at the time.

      Staff Disrespect - I was recently banned for disrespecting Nanurz. I called him "desperate" on a post on Pile's profile. This was meant as a joke but was not taken as such. I do not blame Nanurz however as it could easily be seen as disrespect. I have no intention to do this again.

      What does all this do?
      All of this, while bad as I was violating the rules. Have helped me grow as a player and as a person. I also have learned things from my experiences at being punished that would make me an effective Moderator. Also, all of this would make me more keen at punishing illegal activity. Still, it is a taint on my reputation I would like to ask that you understand I am genuinely sorry and consider giving me a chance. While this may discourage you from supporting me. The point of punishments are to have the player(s) punished learn a lesson, which I have. I want you to know I am truly sorry and have become better as a player on Mineverse, and as an individual.

      Do you have any past experience as a Staff Member?
      Yes I have two experiences as a staff member previously. Neither of them are monumental but are something. One was a server I owned and the other was a Gym Leader on a Pixelspark server. I did not put these on my last application as I was not aware they would count as anything; but after studying other applications I realize that these would be good to put on my application as well.

      My Server - Not many people are aware of this but around 2 years ago I owned my own server. It was a factions server that I bought for two months. It consisted of friends and friends of friends and had 10-20 players regularly play it. I had it for two months until I shut it down because I had lost interest in it.

      Pixelspark - Pixelspark is a Modpack that consists mainly of Pixelmon, among others. I was a Gym Leader on one of the Pixelspark servers this server had around a hundred people regularly. While this isn't a Staff Member in the regular since, it does give me experience dealing with individuals which I had to do regularly. I played this as a Gym-Leader for around a month until resigning because of loss of interest. If necessary I could speak to the owner about become a Gym Leader again. If you need the IP to the server for more details just ask.


      Do you meet the requirements for Moderator?
      The requirements are as follows. As stated in the Moderator requirements thread by CypriotMerkz
      -50 Post Count
      -Two Factor Authentication
      -2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums
      -Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication.

      Which, I meet all of these requirements.

      In conclusion these are all the reasons I believe I would make a good Moderator for Mineverse. I am aware I have been banned but I feel genuinely sorry and I would like to help the server. I am aware that you may be less likely to support knowing of my ban record but I would like you to consider giving me a chance. I want to also say thank you to all the people who encouraged me to create this thread and re-apply so soon. And I also want to thank you for reading all of this, while incredibly long to make, this was undeniably fun to create. I would also like to ask that if you decide No-Support/Neutral please provide your reasons so I can know what to change and improve on. Thank you for reading, comment thoughts and have a great day.

      Supports: 133
      Neutrals: 23
      No-Supports: 19
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
    3. cuban

      cuban Experienced Member

      Sep 23, 2015
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      First and full support.
    4. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      No support. You are quite rude to me in game and sometimes totally ignore me
    5. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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    6. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Lobby and sometimes infec
    7. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      When did I do this?
    8. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Earlier today in lobby and 2 times last friday

      Although your app is nice. I'll stay neutral for now.
    9. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Earlier today in lobby I was AFK eating or creating this Application. That was all I did today. As for last Friday I assume you're talking about Infection, I do not usually pay attention to chat in Infection as I don't see it very important to in Infection. I'm sorry you have that impression of me, anything I could do to improve?
    10. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I'm kinda edging on the Neutral and Support. 9/10 support 1/10 neutral. U have improved and I'd be happy if u got mod. So support. :)
    11. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Thank you!
    12. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      You weren't always afk in lobby. At one point you woke up and I said hey max. You ignored me. I said hi again and you told me to stfu.

      As for improving, I don't see you on too many other gamemodes. Be more active on all and I will reconsider my answer.
    13. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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    14. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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      Provide him with proof?
    15. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      I think you must have me confused, I did not play any gamemode today. I was AFK in the lobby the entire time. As for activity, I'm mostly on Skygrid, KitPvP, Skyblock, and Survival.
    16. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      I didn't screenshot it, regardless, why do I need proof that he said these things?

      @The Hunter
    17. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      She has a choice of support, or not, but yes I am curious if u have proof ;)
      Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
    18. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      I'm on kitpvp quite a bit and I have only seen you once so far.
    19. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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      Yes, I was just asking him if he had proof that he could provide to know whether or not he did what he was accused of.
    20. Xethorias

      Xethorias Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      I'm not getting in a flame war , but I wish you the best of luck!
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