You were a great mod, It'd be even greater to see you back with that title ^-^ (So in other words, support)
No support. Tads I don't want to break our friendship or to hurt/offence you in any way but recently I haven't seen you in-game much, also I think it's a bit soon for you to re-apply, I remember you resigned only like 1-2 months ago and we shouldn't have a new mod that would resign quite quickly. I'm so sorry, good luck!
Neutral. My reason, the same as some others. You resigned barely two weeks ago, and have already applied again. This is March, a time of the year where there is one big break and then soon afterwards there is a lot more schoolwork to come. What makes you think something like this won't happen again? Also, if you come back and say that you've sorted out your current situation and you're ready to come back, it just doesn't make sense to me. You resigned, but less than two weeks later you've already fixed you're issue that you have. You didn't have to resign, I don't think any of the staff members would mind an LOA from you, considering you were one of the greatest staff members around. But don't take me wrong, it was your call. So, I'm going to stay neutral, but it's gonna take a lot to get a full support from me. I just don't want a repeat of what happened. Goodluck
Just realized. Why are we even supporting and no supporting you. You're completely loved by the bias set of moderators. You'll definitely get this even if you had 100 no supports you'd get this.
xD Anyways, neutral. You just resigned 2 weeks ago. If you said you had to catch up with stuff, why not just take a break, no need to resign. Maybe in a week or two i will support you. For now, neutral. [Edit]
there's just something about you i don't like and reasons are stated above. you resigned a week and two days ago. you could've just taken a break, you know? rather than throw your staff position away. it's sad.
Ok Thomas, you know I love you and all... But I need to believe that you are actually coming back this time. It's been 11 days since you resigned and while you were one of the best mods I have ever seen on MV... I find it odd that all of your school and real life issues were resolved so quickly. No support for now. Sorry bud.