@TADS4 Ouch. Also, I'll support you on the 10th April if you're not already moderator by that date. No support for now.
If you've not taken down this application by then it means you've gotten your life together. If something happened ,what two weeks ago? Then it can happen next week, I want to make sure you're back on track.
I find it really dumb that moderators resign and say they have a "life" too and then a couple weeks to a month later they're applying again. I support you, but why?
Things happen, things change. Support. You have a wild history with bans and such, but you've already proved to be a great moderator.
Ok, I have no problem with you I honestly love you as a staff member. But think of this your resigned 2 weeks ago and you are reapplying? I am so confused Neutral.
Support, I can say without a doubt that you were one of the best moderators that Mineverse has ever had.