How bout only for commands, because when you are mining on opprison and do /warp u you have to do /warp u ;/: or something like that.
If that spam bot says something, the next message they send (which will be similar, because they're a spam bot) will not be sent
No support, someone could misspell something and try to fix their mistake. Example: Someone says "Ll" they would then type Lol* and it wouldn't go through) I find this to be really aggravating
Exactly, if different people said "LOL" to something funny someone else said, then that would be removed. Spam bots are different accounts controlled by one person.
I am aware, but the spam bots say the similar message to advertise over and over. This would stop them from being able to do that. That would depend on what you consider a similar message. I had in mind if over have of the message is the same as the previous message it can not be sent.
They should make it so the message can't be 95% similar to the previous one, preventing more spam, possibly with commands. My reasoning for commands is because of spam bots using a command to advertise. (yes, it's been done before)
Still I write the same things some times so I don't think this would be a good idea also reasons up there ^^