I was thinking, if we stopped one player from being able to type to similar messages in a row, we could stop the Spam Bots from advertising because they always say similar messages. By similar I don't mean messages that mean the same thing, I mean messages that are so similar it is essentially the same message. (Example: If someone says "Hi" then says "Hi!" their second message would not be sent.) This would remove a lot of the spam bots on the servers and, it would understandably become annoying in game not being able to type a similar message after another. But, it would be worth it because we'd be removing the spam bots which are a cancer to Mineverse. EDIT: I did not say this extended to commands, all commands you already cannot type twice in a row. Even so, there are usually multiple commands that do the same thing. Just a thought, leave your ideas and have a nice day . ~Maxii
Personally I don't even like the idea of not being able to send the same message twice in a row (for commands), so I don't like this much either. Sorry.
On some of the servers you can't type similar commands in a row, I agree that you SHOULD be able to type the same commands in a row. This is about similar messages, however, not commands.
But as of now, commands count as messages, so the current spam protection prevents us from being able to use the same command multiple times in a row.
It would lower the amount of spam bots.... I didn't mention commands, this is about messages. Commands already can't be done twice in a row so you're no supporting because of something already in place? Also, if you really don't like not being able to type the same command twice in a row there is usually one other command that does the same thing for each command.
Yes, it would, but. I myself type the same or similar command twice in a row a fair bit. So if this were to be implemented it would probably cause a great deal of grief between myself and others. Anyway, we have /ignore
This wouldn't allow them to spam, and how would this stop commands? You already can't type the same thing twice in a row
No support Yes this would stop a lot of spam bots, but it will also be very frustrating for players with commands and just talking generally, it seems like there isn't a need to put the community through this when /ignore can do the trick.
You already can't type the same command twice in a row, and for most of the commands there are 2 or more commands that have the same function.
It would stop the spam bots. And like I've said with the commands for the most part there are at least 2 commands that do the same thing.