I think when its mineverse anniversary there should be a giant giveaway like no one have ever seen before. In every gamemode you will get a lot of good stuff so good that you will faint so I think they should have a mineverse anniversary giveaway (must be on at that day or you wont get the rewards) Kitpvp: A lot of cash Full prot4 depth3 ubr3 sharp5 plain 16 epearls 5 regans etc. Oppvp: A lot of cash A lot of Levels Full prot 10!!! Skyblock: 1000 Cash /kit all Infection: All the kits for 25 hours A lot of exp bottles Op prison: 64 etokens 1 trillion cash Etc.
No support, its more fun to earn what you get on mineverse. Also, I believe that the ranks are slightly cheaper than normal for the anniversary but i'm not entirely sure.