How old are you? Im 11, turning 12 on june 9th.... Whats you Ign? Its But_Daddy_ currently, when i can change it ill be GamerWolf21 (Ive been know as TrinityTaylor06 and KittyGamerMLG)...... Whats your timezone? Im in a Eastern timezone....... What country do you live in? Virginia.... What languages do you speak? I Only speak one but im learning one.... i Speak English and im learning Norwegian... Do i got the necessary means of capturing evidence? Im trying to get Gyazo back... i need help.. i uninstalled it but i cant get it back... any help? Why do you think you should become mod? I would focus on maintaining the peace, assisting players in making their ideas reality, and keeping everyone active and entertained. I hate seeing people complain about being bored, and that's easily fixable by conversing with them or suggesting a new idea. I would keep the peace by reminding people of the rules before any situation became too big of a deal, and caring for everyone involved, new players or Old Players. How active can you be on the server everyday? On the weekends all day.... on the week days because of my school and homework..... 2-3 hours...... How long have you been playing mineverse? 2 years.... Have you even been banned in the past (Fourms & in-game) In game, glitch abuse... ive learnt my lesson.... Do you have any past experience with being a mod? Not on this server...
No support. -Be more active on forums -You're rude in-game -Add more detail/info -Add color for creativity? ~Good luck!
No support. -Not enough information -Not active enough on forums -Lying in application Are you able to take screenshots? Mineverse hasn't been up for 5 years Good luck.
No Support Add a lot more information Be more active in-game and in forums Get to know the community better by going to each server and helping Don't lie Good Luck!
-No Support Be more active Not seen you in-game Get known to the community Add more details Best of luck ;) ~Raf
More detail Trin... I would love to work with you, but you definetly need to change your attitude. I stick by no support, sorry.