Ayee, I honestly cannot remember the first time we spoke. I do remember though seeing you on a few gamemodes and thinking,"WOAHH IT'S A MOD HE'S SO COOL I WANNA BE HIS FRIEND." (don't judge plz) Butttt it was probably from Rodeen adding me to a call with you or something :'') But reallllyy we didn't talk a lot. I remember I would always ask to skype because that one very first group call was so much funnn. But I think we started talking the most when I got mod. You were honestly my go-to mod to ask questions n, sorry if I ever annoyed you from that. Butttttt we've had some really fun times together. LIKE RECENTLY THAT CALL WITH MADISON, let's never bring that up again tho plz ty :') Also, when I got my account COMPROMISED AND U WERE THEEEEEREEEEEEE. but its ok because I woke up and It was fineee :'))) hmhmhmmh what next how about the time I lost internet and I skyped you in my backyard? xd But we've been through some rather interesting things. I would be lying if I said it was easy to write this (ALSO WHEN I SKYPED YOU AT THAT SCHOOL AND THAT GIRL COMPLIMENTED MY SHOES?!AHAHHA) But I won't comment on those things. Keep being you, talk to me sometime. u are amazing ilyy
I would lovovoeee to talk to you on like skype or something but you dont use it :' ((( But you're so nice and funny in-game I lovveve your skin : )) we need to talk moooroeee I'm sorry but I don't think I know you xc What's your IGN?