Knockback Sticks? As many of you know I play OP PvP. I'm known as Moooose, Capacites, and Succulents. Back on topic. On Op PvP when you vote or just do your rank kits, you receive a knock back stick, and a fire aspect stick, all the enchants depend on your rank. Mineverse has recently put in a enderpearl cooldown which I'm fine with. Just not with people using knock back sticks to hit me away and run. The knock back sticks are very frustrating to others who simply who just want to pvp and not be hit away with a knock back stick. Along withe the fire aspect stick. Personally I think these sticks are completely POINTLESS. If there is no fire used in OP PvP, why need it? By simply removing knock back sticks OP PvP will become better. It will be a gamemode to where you can pvp and not be hit with a knock back stick every five seconds of every day. Thanks for reading and support! <3 @Rodeenie, @BLAZExSTORM, @Renttyyyy, @Nitro
Thats why there is a sign to enchant something with knockback, the stick is useless xD Thank god someone made something about this! I would have made it myself xD
I do agree but that can simply be checked by hitting them, the knock back sticks are ify because if you hit them on a slab they don't take knock back.
^^^ It also makes for a quick getaway if you're alone or outnumbered.I support the fire stick,but not the knockback.
There are more ways to run away then just using a knock back stick. On other gamemodes like kit pvp how do you get away there? You run. The gamemode is called OP PvP correct or am I wrong? Most of you are looking at the positives of knock back sticks and not realizing that when you are in a 1v1 and the person you are pvping uses a knock back stick against you..? It gets pretty annoying after a while.
Well, if it's a formal 1v1, you could suggest no knock back sticks but it only refers to when both players agree to certain terms. There are both positives and negatives of knock back sticks.
Looking at how I die on KitPvP it's mostly by Running Starving Crying Dying EDIT [edit] Ddos We need the sticks to run.Also it would be common sense to stop going after a guy that spams the KB stick.Like seriously,if he does that then kill another guy!It's simple.
Most people actually pearl into spawn rather than just running on Kit PvP. If you could provide these "more ways" on how to escape I'll support.
You just stated one .. ender pearling, there is speed in the op pvp shop so buy those if you are better with pvp using speed or just use them to run, also you could bow boost, there is a punch 5 enchant in the shop at spawn.