A lot of people have been getting scammed from ranks, rares, pickaxes, etc. I have had it. Please add /trade, it will stop hundreds of scammers and everyone will still have their money to rank up. - Pink Sheep Support , 13 Neutral ;), 3 No Support :(, 1
Support. If seen a couple big servers have this so they must have had a solution to this. Also to trade money it would be cool to have /withdraw $$ and it gives you it on a note
Neutral. I think there is a lot of dupe glitches withen it, seeing as a lot of big servers have this, there has to be a way to fix it. Also, as @ItsSniiper sais, add /withdraw $$.
Well people have been saying that you can dupe within the plugin for a while, yet it appears no one actually knows how to. People should probably stop saying there's a dupe glitch if they aren't 100% sure there is one.