Can we get a command for Titans where we can enchant an item with all enchants on it? It's really time consuming typing similar things over and over to enchant an item. It would be really convenient if we just had one command to max enchant an item. ~Maxii
Support , it would make it easier plus save time. Possibly different max enchants for tools (with or without silk)
No support. What if it does silktouch and fortune? Or sharpness and knock back. (Where you don't want KB)
Then enchant all the enchants you want on it. This is supposed to be a command to put all enchants on an item.
it could get abused as there are scripts that can bypass the natural enchant limits when given access to /enchant.
its like the hack for the level 127 enchants if you character is in creative. There are more sophisticated ones that allow you to do it with just the /enchant command.