Pretty sure you guys know the drill If not, just comment for a TBH :} In the meantime, enjoy a leopard.
We've never personally spoke before, but I always see you around forums n such. I remember actually awhile back when I first joined forums I saw you and for some reason thought,"Oh Hey! A cool person woahh" :') But if you have skype or something, if you want you can PM me it and we can talk sometime Janiiiceeeieieieeeeeieee. I remember the first time I started to notice you had to be on Skywars when I played there A LOT. I would always be secretly watching because, duh, I thought Mods were the coolest thing in the entire world cx But in all honesty I don't remember the very first time we skyped (PLZ TELL ME IF YOU REMEMBER??!) But we've been through quite a few things together, and my experience here on Mineverse wouldn't be the same without you. You were actually the very first person to see my Mod application because you were the only Mod I had on skype and I wanted your opinion. :'') If it wasn't for you I might not have posted it, I might not have been in the postion that I'm in right now with all of these great friends. And for that I'm thankful, Ily Janice We've never spoken before I don't believe? But I've seen you around forums and you seem really sweet and nice. If you're ever bored and wanna talk you can PM me. Or if you ever see me in-game you can message me what's up or something :p ROdenNENieieie. I've known you since December 8th of 2015, and no I'm not creepy for remembering that I just remember I met you the day I posted my Mod application :') But we've been through SO MUCH together. I don't exactly remember how we got into a call together or how that first call went down, but aye look where we are now? I remember meeting you and thinking WOW, I ACTUALLY AM TALKING TO SOMEONE COOL?! Because there was this one time in the dragon lobby that you were catching a hacker with another Mod and I helped :') But when that happened everyone was always saying your name in chat n stuff and I sorta just stalked from afar because I didn't want to leave the lobby since you were in there cx But my god we seriously have a lot of memories that I can bring up ahha. But some I can remember off the top of my head are those giant archer wars and 1v1s we did, when we made the bandanna squad, and a lot of other things xD also WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK. Nono that's not my favorite song I swear. But we need to make another adventure to the moon : > BUT RODEEN KEEP BEING YOU, YOU'RE AN AWESOME AND HILARIOUS PERSON AND PLEASE NEVER HATE ME? ly I've seen you around forums a lot and some game modes, specifically prison c; We've never really personally spoke but if you ever want to you can PM me <3 also I really like your IGN. Talk to me sometime : )) I've never spoke to you before, so I don't have any memories or anything to talk about :'I But if you ever want to talk you can PM me and we can play together sometime :p Oh my GOD. CAN I JUST SAY WHEN I SAW THIS POST I SERIOUSLY STARTED DYING AND LAUGHING SO HARD AHAHAH. But, I've never personally spoken to but I would love to. I've seen you in-game quite a few times and from now on when I see you imma say Hi : ) PM me if you want to talk <33 Alright so when I first started skyping Rodeen we would be on archer and the very first time I saw you Rodeen said,"Oh look, it's Sheshy!" And I guess I looked at your name wrong and I said "No, it's She-Shay"." And it sounded so funny because it was like with an accent :' )))) Ever since then whenever I see you in-game I think of that ahaha. But we should talk, if you ever want to PM me HEY FLAZEY HOW ARE YOU IM GOOD But ayyy the very first time I sort of noticed you it was because 1. of a Rodeen situation and 2. Because you gave me a no support on my Mod app :') I never had anything against you but I never completely liked you either <3 But since then we've talked a lot. I remember I was in a bed wars game and you were the only one not in the call and I thought it was because you didn't like me :''''') But ayyyyyyy since then we've talked a lot and I think we are good friends : )))) AYY yesyes here's yp tbh. I remember you used to be the only Mod that played Archer PVP, my favorite game mode. I seriously thought you were like the coolest person ever :'') I used to like watch you at spawn and follow you around but I would never really message you a lot because I didn't want to be annoying haha. But we've never really personally spoke, but if you ever want to you can PM me :p I think I've seen you a few times in-game, an MVP right? AYYY HAHA. We've skyped before but you didn't talk </3 We should skype again sometime though I remember I was mixing you up with @Cheetahburger and I'm sorry :') (cheetahburger ily) but yeah you were really fun to talk to and we should again <3 Ayyy :') I lovvvee your IGN and seriously you just seem perfect to me <3 We should really skype sometime, I think we've been in a group call like a realllllly long time ago but it's been awhile ahha. But ayy we are friends and illlyyy even tho we don't talk much : )) Ayy we've talked a few times on skype and TS and I swear you and @Dewster sound alike, have the same name, AND act alike haha. But ayy you're funny and fun to talk to :'))
I will talk next time :> There is a cheetah group, there are many of us (jk) , we dominate Mineverse with our awesomeness : ) @Cheetahburger @cheetahpiee