Hello, Recently I have been having problems with banning someone on lobby but then not being able to find and kick them on certain game modes. Just earlier today I banned someone but they left to a different game mode. I have yet to find them and they could still be online somewhere playing while they are supposed to be banned. So my suggestion is simply add a thing to /seen that says something like this. /seen SnakeVenomPvP or as @ItsSniiper suggested /findplayer. This would make it so I could then go to KitPvP and kick the player so they would no longer be able to play while being banned. @Dyna_Mighty said that she has been asking for something like this for awhile. Thankyou, Signed, SnakeVenomPvP
I've never heard of this problem, it's a bit funny they flee.. Support, this is obviously problematic for Moderators.
It isn't totally needed, as when they log off, they won't be able to get back online. Still going to support that, for ease of purpose.