Recently I had a friend who was framed making others believe he was exploiting glitches in the Skywars lobby. He was given a TNT by another player while he was AFK, the other player took a picture of my friend and it resulted in him getting banned. My suggestion is that we stop all Skywars glitch abuse bans unless the player reporting has an actual recording of the player actually glitch abusing. I think this will stop all false bans on innocent players who didn't do anything in the first place. If the reported player is actually glitch abusing it wouldn't be too hard to get a recording of it.
Hmmm, support, I wouldn't enjoy being framed and banned myself. It was wrong of someone like that to do something as bad as that.
This happened to me. @Ant_Pearl dropped me TNT while me being afk, he took a screenshot and reported me. This is the stupidest what happened to me. It is vile to do that with a player.
I will admit I've accepted a few reports on this topic because it does really make it look like It's that player "Glitch Abusing". This ban should require video proof as you said. Support :D @Pile_of_Butts opinions?
because you reported me for having particle effects, so I was gonna give you an equally stupid ban. In my opinion only tnt should be bannable, having sticks and enderpearls and notch apples is harmless in the lobby, I dont see any reason to ban for it.
You don't get it. You are naive enough not to grow up I see. I am not struggling with this. You tried to ban me falsely. That's a whole different thing. You have been banned for at least 5 times for shooting tnt. Also, you had tnt while dropping them to me. I agree with that, but until this will happen I will report you lol. You never learn from your faults. You do something wrong, get punished and then you just do it again. You never get forward with this. You don't age mentally at all.