My exact in game name is: ToruPvP My purchased rank is/was: Sponsor My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: On all servers. ToruPvP is a god ranked. He was buying Sponsor for GeneralCola but He bought himself Sponsor. Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: <-- Him being god I was hoping/ToruPvP That you give ToruPvP his god rank back and transfer that Sponsor rank to GeneralCola since he bought it. Thank you for your time!
Email [email protected] with proof of this problem. They should get back to you within 3 days approximately. If they don't within that time, bump the email. Keep doing that every 3 days in till responded. I hope this helped. :D
Email [email protected] with proof that this happened. Within a couple of days they should reply with a solution. Hope this helped :D
By the way, you'll need a full screenshot. Locking on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff