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  • Jack Toners apologies to all

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TheBlackReaper, Mar 5, 2016.

    1. TheBlackReaper

      TheBlackReaper Active Member

      Dec 23, 2015
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      Hello all. Some may know me as Jack others may know me as Hatr3d, TheBlackReaper, BlackReaperPvP, D3x or jackinatoner. I am here to sincerely apologize for my actions and behavior in the past. My apologies for the bad grammar I wrote this with tears in my eyes. I am going to start off by apologizing to all those who I have been my actions but before I do that I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this and everyone will call bull S#@T but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i'm prepared to get a lot of hate from everyone please read all of this and do comment if you forgive i will really appreciate it.
      @Rodeenie I apologize for the first time we meet. I came across as a scary person that wanted to "hack" your account. You Skype me frequently now and I hope this shows you that I have completely changed and I don't want to be this "scary person" anymore.
      @AthleticPsycho Rodeen told me that you had problems with someone hacking your account, I thought it would really show I am changing/ have changed if I tried to help you get your account back. You clearly took it the wrong way and thought I came across as "rude and disrespectful". I only wanted to help you because I knew what you were going through. I really do hope we can talk this out in a call one time when you can fully trust me but for now I just want to say im sorry I came across that way I hope you can forgive me.
      @Jhow One time you came into a call with me for the first time and you had lied to me that it was "too late for you to Skype" but I didn't mid that you lied and I could already sense you were scared of me. I tried to help you out and keep you from exposing your ip and possibley being force ratted and etc. I'm so sorry I scared you off like most people I hope you can give me another chance, you seem like a nice guy im sure we would get a long
      Now ill explain why I Jack Toner acted the way I did, watch out because this is a long one.
      Back almost 3 years ago I came across a beautiful server named mineverse I instantly fell in love with it and I couldn't stop playing it. It was about 8 months in when I hit a rough patch in my life, I was constantly crying upset all the people I would usually Skype had told me I had changed and I wasn't the same and they didn't want to be my friends anymore for a kid at this age that was pretty hard to take so as any other stupid kid would do he took it out on others he didn't want to hurt but ended up hurting. @Pile_of_Butts I started swearing at you and said nasty thing in chat the caused me to get a ban I apologies for making you put up with all that nonsense it's just I needed to make sure I wouldn't come back online because I didn't want my feelings crushed again so I thought if I got banned then I can't come online but i'm truly sorry for putting you through that. After I was banned I would just sit around moping all day in my house just the casual crying and all ( I was down because my granddad my dog 11 years old and my brother had passed away in the same week) that's a lot for a kid at a young age to try and handle I was put on antidepressants and all to try and make me happy but the truth was I was just a sad little boy in a big big world. A few months had past by now (2-3) and I couldn't resist any longer so I logged into my account and joint back on mineverse even though I was sad I honestly can say mineverse brought me that little bit of happiness back again just little bit of happiness i needed in my life and I am most appreciative for that @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks I started by ranks for myself and friends I made more friends @MissPVP @skyerainbow and many more people I will not forget ever! Later on a new server came out it was OPPVP I had so much fun on OPPVP and made so many friends @kittycraft3417 @Shonal @hazrad @Foils @Electric @jewishdonut @exstafiy and so many more I would like to tag but I want to keep this short. So after playing lots of OPPVP and KITPVP I was so happy but just like always every time something good happens in my life it gets ripped away from just like that, me being to trusting I was hacked by a person I considered a friend I was devastated I couldn't believe it but I had to. This sent me off in a spiral thinking Ill never get to see my friends again. So I went out of my way and bought another account and jammed on that. besides from all my accounts being hacked and me being depressed at the time I had three of the best friends kittycraft kourbyn and pieman they were very good to me so good pieman helped me get through my depression phase until one day pieman told me she doesn't want to ever see me again and told me kourbyn and kittycraft don't either I thought it was a joke at first but it sadly wasn't. Now this is the interesting part for all of you wondering how and why I started hacking. I was still playing mineverse even after another dramatic phase of people breaking friendships with me my old friend from another server I played on messaged me. My "friend" goes by the name the contractor. Now to sum it up he has an organised business that he teaches people a bunch of hacks that can help them steal accounts protect them selves etc. He noticed I was down and depressed and said hey if you help me I can help you through this phase willingly I took this opportunity and started stealing kids accounts giving it to the "contractor" and then he did whatever the he did with the accounts. Basically there is 1 contractor on every server including steam games it's a scary thought but its as real as it gets. NOW WARNING! for those reading this that don't like the thought of violence and etc. in their head please don't read the blue writing and skip ahead. After being taught all these "cool hacks" I was given the task to steal 1 account every two weeks and they had a name generator which would generate two accounts and I had to choose which one I would take and then give to "the contractor". I know you're thinking what if two of your friends got pulled, well it's simple I would choose which one I liked more then steal the other account its sad to think but I had to do it I had to for the contractor. "If he has given me all these hacks then what does he have to destroy me steal my account hit me offline" that's what I always thought so I was scared for myself. I finally thought I had a purpose in life I finally thought I WAS ING SOMEONE! but I wasn't I was just as bad as the person that stole my account to start all this. I wish I could tell you all the disgusting part but now that I think about it it's really not good to put on a forums page even with a warning it's honestly terrible what I did to these people (if you ask in a Skype call I will gladly explain). I thought my life was together I thought I was living the high life getting "easy money" I had a beautiful girlfriend named Jade who I loved with all my heart and I don't know what I would've done with out her. She new about the "hacking" I was doing she hated it so I started to hate it but when I confronted the contractor he said I have to do it I signed up he helped me so I have to help him. Jade never liked me hacking she said it's the only thing she doesn't like about me I promised her I will get out of it some how some day. Now this part is a bit hard for me to say because I cry every time I think about this let a lone write it! but I need to get this off my chest. My best friend and girlfriend " these tears right now omg ahh haha" my best friend and girlfriend Jade past away in a car crash with her mum as a drunk driver. I was told the news and I couldn't believe it do you ever get that feeling when something is too true to believe to fake to be real that was my exact feelings I loved her I wanted to be with her forever I had finally lost it all. I confronted the contractor one more time he felt sorry for me he let me go.(now I believe there is another person serving the contractor role on mineverse so watch out). I was a sad little boy again nothing to live for again depressed again angry again. Remembering jade hated me for my hacks so I did the rational decision I asked the contractor for all the accounts back we finally came to an agreement and I gave back all the accounts I had stolen. I recently deleted all my hacks, vpns force rats. booters even all my home made booters and doxers all of it just because I felt Jade maybe watching over me with a smile. skipping forward a bit I got into a call with rodeen she said "wow you're a lot nicer than I would've expected" recently she was too afraid to Skype me because of my past, I cried after that call knowing that I may never change my reputation. This is why I am here because I need to let everyone know why I did what I had to do why I shouldn't be afraid of me and why I am honestly a nice guy trying to find the right path. Rodeen convinced me to make this thread I'm most thankful to her. This is exactly why I wanted to apply for mod not for power like some of the mods! I want to become a moderator souly to help those in need i'm sick of being the bad guy and the sad guy I just want to be the happy guy and the guy people look up to I want to help the server that helped me through my rough times I want to help mineverse. I know there is probably no chance for me to become a mod with a background this bad that's exactly what I told rodeen but she said "I can tell you have changed you just have to prove it to others". I only want to help I just want to help everyone and be the good guy I don't want everyone to hate me anymore I don't want to cry anymore I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!
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    2. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      I love you Jacky poo <3
      Honestly you mean so much to me, you make me laugh a lot as you can tell!
      I used to be so freaking scared of you and now I saw the other side of you and I would like to say you're one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. I hope others can put your past behind them because if they knew the you that I know they would love you!
      Skype me later you nub <3
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Mar 5, 2016

      VAPENATION Experienced Member

      Sep 20, 2014
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    4. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      People make mistakes, all is forgiven. :D
      • Like Like x 1
    5. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      I accept your apology. Although i find it funny how you wanted to keep it short, although its long af xDD.
    6. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
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      *Scrolls up*
    7. TheBlackReaper

      TheBlackReaper Active Member

      Dec 23, 2015
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      Trust me it could've been longer but thank you

      I sure hope so. Thank you a lot

      Love you too rodeen
    8. TADS

      TADS Guest

      The past is the past,
      Don't live on it.

      If you want to be happy, and successful,
      Forget the past and always look forwards.
    9. TheBlackReaper

      TheBlackReaper Active Member

      Dec 23, 2015
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      Aww thank you so much for helping me get through and I will hit you up on skype you scrub <3
    10. TheBlackReaper

      TheBlackReaper Active Member

      Dec 23, 2015
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      The greatest choice of words for this post thank you!
    11. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      I just finished reading this out loud in a call with Rodeen. This is actually very nice of you to do something like this, no other person would have probably done this. I'm sorry to hear about all of the things that have happened in your life, I truly am. It really sucks to lose people. I really hope you continue down this path and find the right way. I'm sure many people are still gonna be a little skeptical about this, but I hope some forgive you a little bit for your actions.

      I forgive you for everything you've done, and I'm not afraid of you anymore. The first time I got into a call with you I was honestly really scared and a little angry at Rodeen for adding me into it. But after a few more of the calls I got into I realized that you really weren't how you were anymore.

      Good luck with your future. :)
    12. TheBlackReaper

      TheBlackReaper Active Member

      Dec 23, 2015
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      Thank you Exstatisfy there is no doubting I will be on this path for a very long time
    13. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      I honestly don't want to talk this out in a call, you were rude to me and wanted my Skype to get my alt back. I appreciate you being nice but I don't think we will ever call. :)
    14. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
      This apology is pushing you away from the DarkSide.

      "In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little knowledge lights our way."
      You apologising is very nice, the force will take you to a better path, by releasing what you have kept inside.
      • Like Like x 1
    15. ShonalFromRaxs

      ShonalFromRaxs Boss Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Come on now you Skyped me and Kourbyn you should have known Pie was lying... I wasn't has close to you as Pie, Kitty or Kourbyn but from what you know of Kourbyn he isn't that ratchet to do something like that.
      But algud uce ;)
      • Like Like x 1
    16. TheBlackReaper

      TheBlackReaper Active Member

      Dec 23, 2015
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      Honestly I still to this point have no idea how I was being rude but we're all entitled to our own opinion

      Yeah I
      Yeah I know now

      Thank you blackzone

      "you were rude to me and wanted my Skype to get my alt back" So what you're saying is by trying to help you out and get your account/ alt back is being "rude". I'm sorry but this infuriates me just that you're talking complete bs
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2016
    17. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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    18. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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    19. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      It's ok. But this off-topic section is fulla some apologies now lol.
    20. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      That's why I'm counting them.

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