Mhm, yeah ok. If this is Mods as in Staff- CypriotMerks Noobcrew Pile_of_Butts AmazingFireGirl Nanurz TannerLittle (Doesn't really count but idc) Dewster Ninjam Rythen Alex AthleticPsycho BlackZone Coastic Dyna_Mighty Electric Exstatisfy Flazer Inefable ItsSniiper Janice999 Jhow KrissTheDude MaxNinja10 NightFire ParanormalPizza SnakeVenomPvP SSMH StrKillr TADS4 tin15cro TorchwoodRC I can't count. If this is modifications: THE DOGGY STYLE MOD Optifine 5zig Mod Crayfish's Furniture Mod (They have a toilet :t Too Many Items (TMI)
And modifications are: Pixelmon Orespawn Optifine Furniture Mod (Crayfish's) CraftBukkit/BungeeCord/Spigot (for allowing awesome plugins on to a server)
I really wish i could choose a top five, but I'm way too lazy for that But my favorite is StrKillr for sure