answer in the following format: IGN: age: How long can u play?: PvP skills 1-10: building skill 1-5: About yourself:
My Ign~Swaqsta I am currently 13 years old I can play for almost 4-6 hours a day and be very active I am really good at PvP (No Hacks)~ 8.5 Im probably one of the best builders on factions~ 5 About myself~ I have been in one of the most powerful faction on Mineverse, which was BestPvPers lead by UncleUrnesto... I later got kicked for not keeping my power up... I currently own a base that i Unraidable! 4 layers of obsidian followed by a layer of lava and then another 3 layers of obsidian with over 6 double chests of p4 and sharp V axes and swords! In addition I'm one of the richest people on factions
IGN Jarroyonaples Age 14 (15 in July) How Long can You Play? 3 to 4 hours PvP Skills 1-10 8.9 Building Skill 1-5 5 About Yourself I have Heard of this Amazing Faction before. I know _XefoPvP's IRL Friend, which happens to be my best friend from a long time ago, sirharrycool. I have been in many Factions before and have raided a ton. I know how to get into NASA's Treasure Very easily :p I know me and _Xefo have our differences but I would like to become friends with them and also be part of a great Faction.
IGN: Fluxninja age: 13 How long can u play?: 5-6 PvP skills 1-10: 9 1/2 building skill 1-5: 3 About yourself: irl I can am a kick boxer and a black belt in mma . in game i am the armor guy and potions guy. I tend to build bases in sted of pvping BUT im still good at pvp