I just saw this. And this is not 'good pvping'. This is hacking. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/0qtions-is-hacking-tempbanned.75150
Support! You're amazing and I know for sure you can tell hacks from Skill and they need that in a mod! Good luck <3
Tbh i know this community very well for someone who just made a new fourms account after my other one got hacked back in 2014 ish also im trying ti stay more active on the fourms. thanks you for your feedback
Yes Yes sniper im trying to become active on fourms like last night i stayed up to 4 am my time just on fourms so i was here for about 3 ish hours
no support use the recommended title of thread for mod was in a skype call once with you, and did not seem like you were 15