1 -> My name is Dan. 2 -> I am male. 3 -> My Birthday is this Month, I will be turning fourteen 4 -> I am 4"11 and a half 5 -> I have blue eyes, brown hair. 6 -> My hair has been blue once :'> 7 -> I'm Virtual Schooled 8 -> I have few in real life friends, but the one I have I wouldn't trade for a million others 9 -> I used to play competitive Halo 4 10 -> My parents are divorced, but one is remarried to someone else 11 -> I have a seventeen year old brother, who is insane. (those of you who've been in calls with me know this @Janice999 @TADS4 @TannerLittle ) 12 -> I don't have a favorite color; When I was little my mom asked me what my favorite was, I said, "But mom.. That's mean. If I choose one, the others will feel sad." 13 -> I like dairy queen 14 -> Favorite food? I'm typical, ramen 15 -> I'm planning on going to two colleges when I graduate High school, one for my pre-law and one for my full law. I'm doing this to pursue my goal to become a divorce lawyer. 16 -> 17 -> I love cats to death, but I only have some at my father's house 18 -> My favorite clothes brand (and shoes brand) Is adidas 19 -> I like anime c: 20 -> Nothing else, really?
I am Oliver I like Germany I like my desk I hate PE I like tennis I like Judo I like music I like people I love @Hollypix I like blue I like Mineverse I like big bananas I like potatoes I like my laptop I like my racket I like playing guitar I like my bro @YRVintage I like Pepsi I like Trump I like @Mai @WinterWaffles @Exstatisfy @Legionious @Scorvix my homo buddy <3 @Tepig4321 @Duplexy @Deivid0ze @Rodeen @Mvdi @Coastic @HatchingPandas (not in order, I might have forgotten people I am stupid)
Ill go for it. 1. My real name is Tina. 2. My favorite color is Brown 3. My favorite gamemode is probably Skywars. 4. My favorite minigame is Bedwars. 5. My favorite food is pizza. 6. Im 13 7. My favorite animal is a deer 8. my favorite singer is Marina and the Diamonds. 9. I love Fall Out Boy 10. I play the piano 11. My favorite store is Hot Topic 12. My favorite show is Friends or Adventure Time 13. I love the Fresh Prince of Belair 14. I love Halsey and Twenty øne Piløts 15. I have a mac computer ( which is a pain ) 16 I love Minecraft 17. I have tons of edit apps on my laptop 18. I love BlockParty 19. I want a dog. 20. I love stalking people's instagram.
20 Facts About Holly 1. My real name is Cassie 2. I love volleyball 3. I love football 4. I love art 5. I hate swimming bc my swimming teacher's a pain in the 6. I love animating with Paint Tool SAI 7. I love cats 8. I love wolves 9. @xKirito is my bb 10. I eat breakfast in the afternoon 11. I live in London 12. I'm 13 13. My birthday is July 7th 14. I have 3 other siblings 15. I love shading 16. My favorite color is rose quartz 17. I like calling @Valixta a breadstick 18. I hate all trends 19. I hate Instagram c: 20. I like cherry pie
My birthday is March 10th I'm fourteen I have a dog named Kobe like Kobe Bryant I have a cat which we got on valentines day I like rainbow goldfish better than original My favorite color is Navy blue My favorite gamemode is OpPvP My best friend is @Moooose @MR_B3N_123 was the first person I met on Mineverse I cannot play skyblock I get too bored I live in California I love going to the beach I have a twin brother I play Nba on the Xbox one I play basketball I love photography I dont like my teachers My teachers dont like me I'm scared of ants I drink alot of water Learn 20 new facts everyday right? psh