Okay, so I've recently been falling in love with Bedwars even though I'm not the best at it ( @LlamaHoe would know ) and I've been seeing tons of people spawn killing. They've been trapping people in tiny capsules and like poking a tiny hole to kill them? yeah its annoying. I tried reporting 3 spawnkillers today but was told that it was not against the rules. It's unfair to players. I would suggest making this against the rules.
Support, I was banned for spawn trapping anyways, lmao. It's classified as trolling, which is against the rules.
Neutral. I have 2 things to say on this. While yes it can be incredibly annoying. You may need to spawn kill for a few seconds while you go to break the bed and then end that team. But building a box and just killing is bad and I think that, that should not be allowed. So with this maybe make it somehow so that people can place blocks in the direct vicinity of the spawn point so people at least have a chance to run away.
or Or OR you surround them in blocks, and trap them WITHOUT killing them, then go for the bed. it's hard to escape the box when all of your team is in it.
No Support. I don't see why people hate it so much, if your trapped and you dont like it, just leave the game. Also spawn trapping is difficult to set up, and very risky, so its a nice reward when you can pull it off. Also it creates a chance for the team getting spawn trapped to still come back, (if they dont decide to leave) because another team can disrupt the trap. Spawn trapping does get a bad reputation because usually hackers are the ones to set it up. On a side note, if anyone is interested in joining a bedwars skype team my skype is [Removed for player's own safety]
People also use as a "cheat" to get on the 'Top Killer Leaderboard'. cough cough not pointing @PastelLoser
I say its part of the game and is FAIR GAME. There is NO rule that says you must stay in that game, you have the freedom to leave as I have because (I've been stuck in that situation before). Plus if this becomes Bannable for some reason, whose to WHAT is spawn-killing? I can simply be at a teams base, going for their bed or not, and kill them. Im in their spawn correct? and i am killing them correct? For agreement's sake someone gets mad and screenshots, now im banned for doing nothing except helping my own team win! so NO SUPPORT
lmao it's easy, goto a team that is weak, and kill them. what are they going to do, punch you? wow, hurts alot. spawn trapping is easy.
which is the reason why people are doing it. people wouldnt spawn kill because they think it's fun, they have a reason, which is the get rubies and get on the stats.
bro i literally just joined a bw game, and it took me under 10 mins to do this. omg it was so hard, i broke a sweat.