Introduction. Hello, you probably already know what this thread is about from reading the title. But, I will restate, I believe there are many reasons we need another Head-Mod, and why Janice is the best candidate for it. Enjoy Why we need another Head-Mod. First, I will go into the reasons as to why we need another Head Mod to moderate the server. The Growth of Mineverse. I have noticed that recently Mineverse has grown. By grown I mean more players have joined and started playing. This is wonderful, but it means that there are more people to Moderate. Calling for a new Head-Mod. More Staff. I'm sure you have noticed, that in the last few months we have gotten MANY more staff members. This is amazing, it means that more staff members are able to help the server, also, it shows just how many people love Mineverse. But, since there are so many more Mods, it only makes sense to add another Head-Mod. The Head-Mods aren't very active in game. I'm not trying to say the Head-Mods are bad in any way. They are very active on the forums which is good, but I'm not aware how often they get on. Because they are rarely on when I do /staff. In the case of fryzigg. It's because of timezone differences. I'm sure Pile and Nanurz have personal lives that take up a lot of their time, however. They are very active on the forums and still help the server a tremendous amount. But with the size of the server it would be helpful to have a Head-Mod very active in game. Despite me never seeing them on, I could be wrong and they could all be very active and I just never see them in game. Why Janice should be this Head-Mod Next, I'm going to go into why Janice should be this Head-Mod. There are many reasons as to why she would be the obvious choice for Head-Mod, and I'm going to go over some. Active. I have found that Janice is very active. Whether it be on the forums or in-game, she is on for many hours a day. This means she is helping many players and handling many reports. Making her a good candidate for Head-Mod. Non-Biased. I have never found one instance of Janice being biased towards any player. No matter how that player acts. For instance, when I was banned. I made an appeal and looking back I acted very rude unintentionally, however, Janice was still understanding and unbanned me. I believe this is a quality few Mods, and few people in general have. This means she would make an amazing Head-Mod. Friendly. Janice is a very friendly player, if you message her she will not ignore you and will respond. When talking to her you can see what type of person she is, a friendly one. I think this means if she gets Head-Mod she will be respected and liked. Respectful. Most of the Mods on the server are respectful, as they need to be if they wish to be a Moderator, however, I have found Janice is more respectful than most Mods. She will always listen to what you are telling her and will try to assist you in any way. Helpful Janice is very helpful to all players, if you need something she will do the best she can to assist you. It should be easy to understand why this means she would be a good Head-Mod. Conclusion. These are all my reasons as to why I believe that the server needs another Head-Mod and as to why, if another Head-Mod is added, Janice is the best candidate for it. I think it would improve this already amazing server if she was promoted to the rank of Head-Moderator. Leave your thoughts and ideas down below and have a wonderful day . ~Maxii
Although I think @Janice999 is an outstanding moderator, I think there are already enough head-mods to deal with things. I also think that if there were to be a new head-mod, they should be from a different timezone or region ;)
I rarely see the current Head-Mods in game. They are very active on the forums, but in game is a different story. I'm not saying anything against the Head-Mods. Just that from what I've noticed they are more active on the forums than in-game.
The head mods have no separate need (to the normal mods) to be online, they're here to help people and make things run smoothly. The head-mods however are needed on the forums, as people look up to them in a way for official information. The moment a head-mod is asked/needed in-game to use one of their unique head-mod permissions, they will come online.
Also, there are many other regular moderators that deserve this position, so I think we should just let Cypriot and Crew decide who gets Head-Mod or not - it is their choice.
In order to be promoted to head-mod, you need Cypriot's trust. Glhf with this. He'll promote if he feels we need it. As of now we're organized enough with 3.
Going off of this a bit, from Dyna. How do you expect this to feel to the other moderators? Specifically the other head-mod's. Sure, you mention they're great and all. But if that stands true, why need more? Yea, Janice is pretty amazing. But you can't just say she's the best. It's a team effort.
It takes a lot to gain his trust. Head-mod does a lot for the server. The reason you don't see them in-game much is because they have to deal with other Mineverse related things, staff reports, game issues, working on ideas, helping with staff.
As TADS stated, to become a head-moderator you need to have the trust of Cypriot. A head-moderator isn't required to be extremely active in-game, the whole reason for that role is to organize and keep the staff team under control. Yes, it's good for them to be active in-game, but they aren't required to be. Janice is an excellent candidate for the position, but we really don't need a fourth head-moderator. Three is more than enough to control our current staff team.