I No Longer Wish To Be A Moderator thanks to one person. For The people who sorta believed in me thanks. And thank you to people who gave me advice and did not tell me every little thing i did wrong Thx -laughy Please Do Not Post Anymore Comments!! Thank you How old are you? I am 17 years old. Your in-game name: laughyandhyper What timezone are you in? Central Timezone What country do you live in? United States of America What languages do you speak? English/half Spanish Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? I can screenshot and record the evidence Why do you think you should become a mod? I love to help people and I always go on to find someone needing a moderator but when they can't find one they ask chat. When no one seems to know I step and help them out. I can also watch over chat and make sure no one gets bullied. I know I may not seem qualified but I will continue to help people no matter what. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I am on the server about 2 hours for a weekday and 4-6 hours for a weekend How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse for 3 and 1/2 years. Have you ever been banned in the past? I have never been banned. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have no experience, but I help people out a lot. Traits: Honest- I hate lying to people it makes me feel like I will never have another happy day. Kind- I love kids and helping people Mature: I am very mature and rather be that smart, mature kid that gets picked on than the dumb un-mature kid that is considered "cool" Funny- I can tell the cheesy jokes ever! (Sort-of =P) What do you call cheese that's not yours? Na-cho cheese =P I hope this is enough information for me to be considered. I gladly read all the comments to see what people say and what I need to improve on. I understand that people may not know me but they need to understand that I spend most of my time on servers where moderators don't often come so that I can try my best to help everybody. Thank You For Your Time -laughy
No support, I'd recommend being more active in-game and on the forums before wanting to become a Moderator for Mineverse!
I understand, I am trying my hardest to do that but I find that many moderators only go on more popular servers so I would like to get some more on less peopular servers
No I mean the mini-servers that i never see many people on.. Blocks vs. Zombies, sometimes skyblock, sometimes skygrid, tower climber. Those types of games. I think Mineverse is a very popular server
Neutral: Improve your activity here on the forums. I feel this application is hard to read, and struggled a little bit. Maybe take hints from accepted applications? Remove the bright yellow, and maybe apply a colour scheme - instead of random colours :D Best of luck