Hello, I am writing this as there have been a few problems occurring within the Parkour server after the new levels had been added. Problem 1 Basically, I believe that the permissions for being ranked Completed are broken. Warping is disabled. This error has happened with other ranks also, so it should be an easy fix. Also, being ranked Completed, you can only access course 1. Problem 2 People who are ranked level 23 are unable to access level 13 and 12 Problem 3 Completed ranks also cannot access level 10. Problem 4 Completed ranks cannot use their vanish tool to vanish other players. Problem 5 The sign at the end of level 10 doesn't work. Addition 1 Many people I have seen are wondering why we cannot /msg. I'm just wondering if it'd be able to be enabled within Parkour? Addition 2 This is a possible suggestion, brought up by Musezeta. While the new levels were being added, Cyp was doing the ranks. While doing the Completed one, he made it blue, instead of the rainbow. We would just like to suggest maybe to make it blue? So it would stand out more, and since rainbow is kinda boring now since it's been like that for around a year. Example: [Completed], or something similar to that. Addition 3 Adding /ptime to help people parkour, as silly as it may sound. I parkour much better in the day time.
I believe there is a command to message someone, not sure what it is though. I'll try to pass this thread along, try to get these fixed. : )
There are commands to message eachother, but it's more so that fact that you cannot simply type /r, or /msg. You have to type out "/minecraft:tell (Username) (Message)" to both message and reply.
Also I clicked the sign and shifted, with clocks also. It doesn't promoted me to level 10 Here proof.. http://imgur.com/mP0nhpY
I see the main problem here; You're using two browsers instead of just one. ;) Jokes. I've had experienced the same issues some months ago as well. :/
I wonder why ;) ;) ;) ;) You should move this to the discussion/suggestions section also, considering the problems you're experiencing are bugs.
It's more so a help thread, because I don't want to discuss why they need fixed, they just do. I could move it to suggestions, as I suggested a few ideas though. @AthleticPsycho
Support/bump. This needs fixing @TannerLittle @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew . Since we can't use warps, we cannot so easily help people on levels because it takes forever to use stairs.